8 MARCH 15, 2024 SMOKE SIGNALS Emergency Services exercise On Tuesday, March 5, the Tribe’s Emergency Services Department and Spirit Mountain Casino held a full- scale hazardous materials and mass casualty exercise at the casino. Emergency Services has an obligation and requirement through several federal and state grants to plan and conduct an exercise to test its capabilities preparing for, mitigating against, responding to and re- covering from a hazard that involves mass casualty and hazmat/chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive threats. Additional participating organizations included Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department, Ore- gon Health Authority, Oregon Department of Human Services, Oregon Department of Emergency Manage- ment, Salem Health, Salem Hazmat Team and Deployed Logix. A methamphetamine lab explosion that released chemicals into the rooms of Spirit Mountain Hotel was the training scenario. Tribal Elder Veronica Gaston gets fake blood applied by Donna Shamblin in preparation for the hazardous materials and mass casualty exercise. Shamblin is a medical assistant at Salem Health and volunteered to apply moulage and be a victim in the exercise. Emergency Services Firefighter Darien Leno, left, and Emergency Services Lt. Jake Gillins, right, carry victim Callista Rhamy to safety during the hazardous materials and mass casualty exercise. TO SEE MORE PHOTOS TO SEE MORE PHOTOS VISIT US ON @SmokeSignalsCTGR @CTGRsmokesignals Photos by Michelle Alaimo Oregon Department of Emergency Management Tribal Liaison Sophi Beym screams in pain as she plays the part of a victim during the hazardous materials and mass casualty exercise. Emergency Services Lt. Jake Gillins reads her patient information sheet to determine her injuries.