sNok signflz MARCH 1, 2024 Tribal Librarian Kathy Cole hands a book to Avalyn Anderson, 6, during the Blind Date with a Book event that took place outside of the Tribal Library on Wednesday, Feb. 14. The library sponsored the drive-thru event where wrapped books are given to adults and children, which were selected based on their age. Tribal Library Aide Crystal Bigelow helped Cole with the event and they gave away about 50 books. Book date Worthy Amouak, 5, opens the book she received during the Blind Date with a Book event outside of the Tribal Library on Wednesday, Feb. 14. TO SEE MORE PHOTOS @SmokeSignalsCTGR TO SEE MORE PHOTOS VISIT US ON @CTGRsmokesignals Photos by Michelle Alaimo Attention All Artisans Now accepting bids for our Senior Miss crown. Submit full design that includes: • The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde logo including feathers. • Court Year 2024–25. • Title: Senior Miss Grand Ronde. • Crowns must be completed and delivered by July 19, 2024. Must submit photos of progress when requested. Bid deadline is Friday, March 29, 2024. (deadline is firm and no bids will be accepted after 5 p.m.) Mail bids and designs to: CTGR Royalty c/o Shannon Simi 9615 Grand Ronde Road Grand Ronde, OR 97347 Questions: Call Shannon at 503-879-1358 or email *Bids and designs can be sent to the above email address. Ad by Samuel Briggs III 9