6 SMOKE SIGNALS MARCH 1, 2024 Denise Harvey attends international gaming convention By Danielle Harrison Smoke Signals editor LONDON — Tribal Council mem- ber and Indian Gaming Association Tribal delegate Denise Harvey re- cently attended the International Casino Exhibition in London. The global gaming event brings together industry and other pro- fessionals from across the gaming industry to share their latest prod- ucts, information and technology. This year’s event was held from Feb. 6-8 at ExCel London. It was Harvey’s fi rst time attending. “I was invited in 2020 but with all of the COVID stuff happening, we cancelled attending that,” she said. “This was the fi rst opportu- nity that I could make it but I’ve known about it for years. There were probably about 30 Tribal rep- resentatives there.” Harvey has served on the IGA commission since 2018, and is the fi rst Grand Ronde Tribal member to be appointed to the board. She pre- viously served on the Grand Ronde Gaming Commission as a member and chair from March 2004 through September 2013. She’s served on Tribal Council since 2013. Harvey said that the highlight of the convention was the amount of respect and appreciation the Tribal representatives received from oth- ers in attendance. “It was full of people from all over the world and the symposium we did was packed,” she said. “They’re just so appreciative and respectful of Tribal people, they treated us like celebrities. It was that way through the whole conference. It was almost overwhelming and surprising that so many wanted to learn who we were and what we do, and the difference between commercial and Tribal gaming.” Raving is a Native-owned gaming and hospitality business. The award recognizes efforts made by gaming industry leaders that assist in rebuilding communities through Indian self-reli- ance. “I wasn’t expecting that at all,” Harvey said. “I think for Indian gaming and most of the Tribes I get to work with nation- ally, they respect the fact that I show up and partic- ipate. I know when to ask questions and usually am somewhat educated on the questions that I might be asking. So, I think it’s just continuous support and Contributed photo being willing to step up. Indian Gaming Association Deputy Executive Director Danielle Her Many Horses, You just do what you do in a professional way and left, and Tribal Council member and IGA delegate Denise Harvey were presented it seems to be resonating.” with the Indian Gaming Association 2024 Chairman’s Leadership Award during the When asked why it is im- International Casino Exhibition in London in early February. The award recognizes portant to have Tribal rep- eff orts made by gaming industry leaders that assist in rebuilding communities through resentation at these events, Indian self-reliance. On the right is IGA Chairman Ernie Stevens Jr. Harvey said that it’s always important to have gaming manufac- and understand the TO LISTEN TO MORE turing companies understand the differences between OF THIS STORY VISIT types of relationships they need to each Tribe and each www.smokesignals.org have with different Tribes. state and it’s compli- and click on podcast “They recognize that they can’t cated. But we’re very just come in and bombard us and desirable to them to have business During the Tribal symposium we’re as powerful as they are,” Har- with us.” Feb. 6, attendees learned more vey said. “What I saw is now they’re Another highlight for Harvey about the differences and similari- rethinking their process and know was unexpectedly being presented ties between Tribal gaming regula- they need to build a relationship. with the Indian Gaming Associa- tions and other jurisdictions in the … It was an honor to be there and tion 2024 Chairman’s Leadership United States, and why gaming is represent all of Indian Country and Award with IGA Deputy Executive vital to those Tribes. who we are, and help build those Director Danielle Her Many Hors- She continued, “We’re a $49 relationships.” n es and Raving CEO Deana Scott. billion dollar industry, so we’re no longer the little fi sh in a big pond. And they’re (gaming vendors) really recognizing that they need to have FREE FINANCIAL FOUNDATIONS WORKSHOPS good relationships with the Tribes ELECTION BOARD VACANCY IMMEDIATE OPENING • Must be a CTGR Tribal member. • Must be able to work at least one day per week in the election office, mid-July through early September. • Apply by Saturday, March 16. For questions contact Shannon Ham-texeira. shannon.ham-texeira @grandronde.org The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde is collaborating with DevNW to offer free Financial Foundations workshops. Financial Foundations explores the following topics: Budget & cash flow planning, Money goal setting, Tackling debt, Channeling savings for big goals, Financial planning for retirement, Protecting your assets, Strengthening credit. Financial Foundations March classes: Zoom: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 5, 12, 19, 26 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday, March 23 In person: Clackamas, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 6, 13, 20, 27 Register online: www.devnw.org/go/ctgr/ Questions? Email caitlin.zimbrick@grandronde.org To learn more about IDA’s visit https://oregonidainitiative.org/ Financial Foundations is required to sign up for an IDA (Individual Development Account) matched savings. Limited space available, must meet eligibility requirements. 503-879-2301 Ad by Samuel Briggs III Ad by Samuel Briggs III