sNok signflz MARCH 1, 2024 GRAND RONDE HOUSING DEPARTMENT 28450 Tyee Road – Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347 – 503-879-2401 – Fax 503-879-5973 28450 Tyee Road – Grand Ronde, Oregon 97347 – 503-879-2401 – Fax 503-879-5973 ATTENTION ALL HOUSING TENANTS AND GUEST PLEASE SLOW DOWN IN ELDER HOUSING Also, please make sure and maintain low levels of music in the Elder community. THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF GRAND RONDE BOYS WITH BRAIDS Re g ist ra t io n w ill c lo se 0 3 /2 1/ 2 4 A PRIL 12 • 5:30 PM - 8 PM A PRI L 13 • 8: 30 A M - 7:30 PM 96 1 5 GRAND RO NDE RD GRAND ROND E, O R Co nt a ct YEP fo r m o re i nf o a t 50 3- 87 9-2 03 4 o r YE P @ gra n d ro n d e .o rg TH A N K YO U FO R R E SP E CT IN G G R A ND RON DE C OM M U NI T Y & C U L TURE B Y N OT DI SPL A YI N G G A N G A F FIL I AT I ON & B Y N O T B RI NG I N G DRUG S, AL C O H OL O R WE A PON S T O T H IS E V E NT .\ 11 Tribal trust lands have increased by 884 acres The Tribal Lands Department completed the transfer of 884 acres of Tribal land into trust in February. According to the Lands Department, this is the largest single trust conversion for the Tribe, bringing the Tribe’s total trust lands to 12,546.47 acres (including the Reservation). Known as the Tilla- mook Forestlands, Tribal members can now participate in hunting, fi shing, gathering, hiking and biking within this area located just outside of Tillamook. This is the second property from Tillamook County moved into trust on behalf of the Tribe. Trust lands provide the Tribe with the right and authority to license and regulate activities occurring on Tribal lands. It is also a way to bring ceded homelands back into the Tribe and out of the state’s jurisdiction. The fee-to-trust conversion includes several steps and there are strict requirements from the federal government. The Tribe has de- veloped and maintained positive relationships with the federal, state and local levels of government, according to Tribal Lands Department Manager Jan Reibach. “CTGR has been proactive over the years in developing these (rela- tionships)...this makes the Tribe better equipped to have successful fee-to-trust conversions.” The Tribe’s Natural Resources Department is responsible for man- aging trust properties on behalf of the Tribe, including the Tillamook Forestlands. To review the Tribe’s policies regarding fi shing and hunting or for more information on accessing this property, contact Natural Resources at 503-879-4868 or n