Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, February 15, 2024, Page 8, Image 8

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FEBRUARY 15, 2024
Tribal police offering reward
for missing Tribal member
By Danielle Harrison
Love rocks
Smoke Signals editor
Grand Ronde Tribal Police are
seeking information on the where-
abouts of 33-year-old Tribal mem-
ber Tenatia Jackson-Crain and are
offering $1,000 for information that
results in her being found.
She was last seen in Corning,
Calif., in March 2023 and has ties
to Portland.
Jackson-Crain was first reported
as a potential missing person in
July 2023 after a meeting between
the Tribe’s Social Services Depart-
ment and Tribal Police.
Jackson-Crain is approximately
5 feet, 6 inches tall and weighs
130 pounds. She has brown eyes
and brown hair. Identifying marks
include piercings below her lower
lip on opposite ends, ear piercings
and cheek bone piercings. She has
a large floral tattoo on the left side
of her abdomen.
“Upon reaching out to family,
we learned that it was not uncom-
mon for her to not be in contact
for periods of time,” Tribal Police
Detective Tokata Tehama said.
“We endeavored to look for her
regardless as well as looking for
four other Tribal members that
were believed at-risk. During these
cases, we learned there are not
many laws in place when an adult
‘chooses’ to go without contact with
family unless there is some type of
medical diagnosis labeling them as
a danger to themselves or others.”
After doing further investigation,
police were able to locate the four
other Tribal members, but not
A flyer with three photos and a
description was sent to all Tribal
employees on Wednesday, Feb. 7.
“The flyer itself was reviewed
first by family and then when
approved, a copy was (also) sent
to that family member so that it
Tenatia Jackson-Crain
could be shared with whomever,”
Tehama said.
Tribal Police Chief Jake McK-
night updated Tribal Council on the
search efforts later that afternoon.
“Since this flyer went out, we
have gotten nonstop phone calls
from people in the public and it
really shows that people truly care
about our missing Indigenous peo-
ple,” he said. “I want to take a little
time and talk about her situation
that we know of now. At this time,
we have no reason to believe she is
in danger but we just really want
to talk to her. We’ve been looking
for her just to have any sort of con-
tact…We don’t care if she has war-
rants or any outstanding issues, we
just want to know she’s safe and
possibly get her services through
the Tribe if she needs them.”
Tribal police have worked with
the FBI, the Bureau of Indian
Affairs, California’s Missing and
Murdered Indigenous People unit,
the Portland Police Bureau, Teha-
ma County Sheriff’s Office, Tehama
County Probation Department and
the Corning Police Department in
an effort to find Jackson-Crain.
Additionally, her information has
been entered into the Law Enforce-
ment Database System and the Na-
tional Crime Information Center.
Contact Tribal Police at 541-921-
2927 with any information.
This is a developing story and
will be updated.
Photos by Michelle Alaimo
Kyleigh Johnson, 16, paints a rock during
the annual Love Rocks event in the Tribal
Community Center on Saturday, Feb.
10. One in three U.S. teens is affected by
teen dating violence and February is Teen TO SEE MORE PHOTOS
Dating Violence Awareness Month. The
event promotes awareness and healthy
relationships within the community by
providing an informational presentation and resources to teens. The
event was hosted by the Tribe’s Warriors of Hope Domestic & Sexual
Violence Program and Youth Empowerment & Prevention Program.
Maggie Villegas, a shelter advocate for the Warriors of Hope Domestic
& Sexual Violence Program, gives a presentation about teen dating
violence during the annual Love Rocks event in the Tribal Community
Center on Saturday, Feb. 10.
Community Health
Program Services
Medical Transport
Medical transportation
services are available to
Tribal members within
the six-county service
area when an alternate
means of transportation
is not available. Advance
notice required.
Please call 503-879-2078
to schedule a reservation.