sNok signflz JANUARY 1, 2024 Inclement weather alert! Please be sure to call the Health & Wellness Center before trav- eling in to appointments at the clinic during inclement weather. Health & Wellness Center staff will make every attempt to call patients during closures. Also, sign up for emergency notifications about Tribal campus closures on the Tribal website at www. or follow the Tribe’s primary page on Facebook. Health & Wellness Center entrance 17 Walking On... Edward Ronald Haller July 1, 1933 – Dec. 22, 2023 Tribal Elder Edward Ronald Haller passed on Dec. 22, 2023, at the age of 90. Bollman’s Tribute Center in Dallas, Ore. is assisting the family. Funeral services are scheduled for 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 5, at the Tribal gym, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, followed by a gravesite service at the Tribal Cemetery and a meal at the Tribal Community Center. Harrison honored by Oregonian Reminder: The drive-through entrance at the Health & Wellness Center is for loading and unloading only. The entrance was built with our Elders and those with mobility issues and their ease of access in mind. If you are coming to the center to pick up prescriptions, please park in one of our regular parking spaces. POLK COUNTY LOCAL WORK GROUP MEETING Agency: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service: Polk Coun- ty local work group meeting Date: Jan. 26, 2024 Time: 9 a.m. Location: Chemeketa Eola Northwest Wine Cellar, 215 Doaks Ferry Road NW, Salem OR 97304 For more information: Morgan Neil,, 503-623-9680 Purpose: NRCS is holding a local work group meeting to gather input from farmers, ranchers, state and federal agencies, agriculture and conservation organizations regarding natural resource conservation priorities and opportunities to invest collaboratively in Polk County. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. A re- quest for accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made 48 hours before the meeting. Contact Morgan Neil for arrangements. Paid ad Tribal matriarch Kathryn Harrison, who walked on in May at the age of 99, was hon- ored by The Oregonian newspaper on Wednes- day, Dec. 27, by being mentioned in its list of notable Oregonians who passed away in 2023. The newspaper noted Harrison’s humble beginnings and her accomplishments that oc- curred later in life, helping the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde attain Restoration in 1983. “She rose to acclaim later in life as a leader known for her courage, sense of humor and for her work to bring Tribal recognition and financial independence to the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde,” the newspaper said. Harrison joined the likes of Oregon legislator Dick Springer, wine- maker Dick Erath and entertainer Walter Cole on the list of notable Oregonians who died last year. Harrison was the Grand Ronde Tribe’s eldest Elder at the time of her walking on. Clothes Closet open The Clothes Closet is open from 9 a.m. to noon Friday on the Tribal campus near the Elders Activity Center at the end of Blacktail Drive. The Clothes Closet accepts clothing, small appliances and pieces of furniture, electronics and household goods that are clean and in good condition. It does not accept books, large TVs or furniture, but there is a community board where people can post those items. For more information or emergency clothes, contact Lori Walk- er-Hernandez at 559-847-7565. Tribe receives $446,886 broadband federal grant PROTECT THE HEALTH OF YOUR everything THIS FALL AND WINTER VIRUS SEASON VACCINES TESTING AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS MASKS FLU, COVID-19, AND RSV were responsible for sending over 2 million people to the hospital and caused over 260,000 deaths last year. Respiratory viruses will spread this fall and winter, but you can take steps so that you and your everything are protected and safe. FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, immunizations are available against all three of these fall and winter viruses. Immunization remains the most effective way to protect you and your loved ones. Immunizations protect you from the worst of flu, COVID-19, and RSV— and can also shorten the time you are sick. Adults 65 and older, young children, pregnant people, and people with underlying medical conditions are at highest risk for severe illness. Getting vaccinated is the best way to stay protected. The Tribe was recently awarded a $446,886 broadband National Tele- communications and Information Administration grant and has contracted with Native Network, a local internet service provider. The service will bring high-speed, fixed wireless internet to more than 500 homes in Grand Ronde. Additionally, there is the affordable connec- tivity program and qualified users can get up to a $75 credit toward their internet service. To apply, visit, follow the instructions and complete the enclosed “signup for internet service” form. Flu, COVID-19, and RSV vaccinations are safe and the most effective way to keep your families healthy. Talk to your provider about what immunizations are right for you and take steps to stay healthy. FREE INTERNET * WITH FREE INSTALLATION & MODEM * = DEPENDING IF YOU QUALIFY FOR THE AFFORDABLE CONNECTIVITY PROGRAM (ACP). IF YOU DON’T QUALIFY, OTHER SERVICE OPTIONS AVAILABLE. SERVICE AVAILABILITY DEPENDENT ON SEVERAL FACTORS. — GRAND RONDE — | 833.880.9965 Paid ad