10 JANUARY 1, 2024 SMOKE SIGNALS Tribal Elder Leonette Galligher opens a present that she received during the Elders “Grinchmas” Party at the Elder Activity Center on Saturday, Dec. 16. The party was for Tribal Elders and their spouse/significant other. Everyone in attendance received a gift. The day also included social hour with appetizers before lunch was served, cookie decorating and bingo. Elder ‘Grinchmas’ Party Tribal Elder Michelle Kelley decorates a cookie. Tribal Elder Sue Ann Suderman smiles as she marks a number that was called at bingo during the Elders “Grinchmas” Party at the Elder Activity Center on Saturday, Dec. 16. TO SEE MORE PHOTOS TO SEE MORE PHOTOS VISIT US ON @SmokeSignalsCTGR @CTGRsmokesignals Photos by Michelle Alaimo Tribal member Jennifer Butler, left, hands Tribal Elder Patti LeClaire a plate of food as lunch is served during the Elders “Grinchmas” Party.