sNok signflz NOVEMBER 15, 2023 5 Tribe seeks input for possible 2024 opening of charter school Tribal Council approves sixth supplemental budget By Katherine Warren By Danielle Harrison Smoke Signals staff member Smoke Signals editor About 30 people attended a 90-minute community input meeting regarding the Tribe opening a charter school on Thursday, Nov. 9, in Tribal Council Chambers. Curriculum and Personal De- velopment Program Manager Justine Flynn and Shawash Ac- ademic Teacher Adam Langley were the presenters with Tribal Council Chief of Staff Stacia Hernandez managing the ZOOM link. The Grand Ronde Tribe has been thinking of opening its own charter school since at least 2019 when Tribal members voted in favor of the idea 643-549 during an advisory vote. In January, Tribal Council approved a professional services agreement for a charter school feasibility study with GLAS Ar- chitects of Eugene. The orm was contracted to examine options, such as opening a kindergarten through ofth-grade or kindergar- ten through 12th-grade school, and also examine operational models and funding possibilities. Flynn said there are three phases that staff have deter- mined and provided a QR code to a survey link for community members to provide input as to what they would like to see as well as what they think about the phased process. Phase 1 would feature kin- dergarten through sixth-grade students attending a full day with three full-time teachers, three assistants and one special education case manager. Flynn said the school could start teach- ing Tribal students as early as the 2024-25 school year with full days looking like 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The orst phase has its challeng- es, she added, such as stafong increases as well as what to do about food services. Phase 2 would be open enroll- ment across kindergarten through sixth grade having one classroom per grade. Educational offerings would continue with the language/ culture model with math and science instruction included and having a homeroom staff. It would require hiring four more teachers and four more assistants. The second phase also would mean expansion of food services as well as transportation. During these two phases, Fly- nn said the Tribe will need to continue to push for legisla- tion with the state of Oregon for school compacts that are Tribal Council approved a sixth supplemental budget for calendar year 2023 of $1.87 million during its Wednesday, Nov. 8, meeting to cover costs for funding the construc- tion of ove houses in the home own- ership development project east of Grand Ronde Road off McPherson Road. A lending misunderstanding affected ove potential buyers, who were incorrectly notioed that the Housing & Urban Development Section 184-approved lender 1st Tribal Lending would not pro- vide loans for new construction on Grand Ronde Tribal lands despite HUD guidelines stating that new construction is eligible for the fed- erally-backed loans. With the Tribe approving the supplemental budget, the five homes will not be classified as