Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, October 01, 2023, Page 12, Image 12

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OCTOBER 1, 2023
Smoke Signals
2023 MOA hunting
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
MOA hunting tags information for 2023
What is available for hunting in 2023 as part of this agreement?
Deer— General Oregon Coast Buck MOA Tag
Enrolled CTGR Tribal members with this tag will be eligible to hunt the General Oregon Coast Buck season.
Bag limit is one buck with any legal weapon.
Elk—General Season Elk MOA Tag
Members with this tag will be eligible to hunt the General West Cascade Elk, General Western Oregon Coast
1st Season Elk and General Western Oregon Coast 2nd Season Elk all under one general season MOA elk tag.
Bag limit is one animal per tag and the ability to hunt a bull vs. a spike will vary based on the season
and unit you are hunting.
It is the hunters responsibility to know the dates of hunts and bag limit in the unit they are hunting.
Important information for hunters
Tags are only valid during state season hunt dates and in the Wilson, Trask, Stott Mountain,
Willamette and Santiam units. Please note the Santiam unit has a different eastern
boundary as part of this MOA. Maps of MOA boundaries for Avenza or onX are available at
the website linked in the QR code.
Administered as an over-the-counter tag which must be picked up in person. Tags will not be mailed in 2023.
Follows state rules and regulations.
Tags are nontransferable. Transfers can still be made with Trask consent decree tags.
Limit of one MOA deer tag and elk tag per member.
Tribal Conservation Properties: Ashney, Chahalpam, Chankal, Chankawan, Enchanted Oaks, Noble Oaks,
Rattlesnake Butte and Takilth are closed for hunting in 2023 in accordance to the access policy. Access policy
is available upon request.
Differences between available Tribal hunting tags in 2023
Common questions about differences in available hunting tags
Trask consent
decree gags
only tags
MOA tags
Do I need a new license to hunt these tags in 2023?
Can I hunt outside of state seasons in 2023?
Can I hunt outside of the Trask unit?
General season tags required a draw in 2023?
Are tags transferable?
Are more hunting opportunities going to be added in future years?