sNok signflz SEPTEMBER 15, 2023 3 Blessed ' kwayts-mun (September) • Friday, Sept. 15 – Family Movie Night, 7:30 p.m., old powwow grounds. “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.” Popcorn and drinks provided. • Wednesday, Sept. 20 – Facebook Live, 11 a.m., via Facebook. Dis- cussion of Tribe’s new MOU with the state of Oregon regarding fishing and hunting. 503-879-2304. • Friday, Sept. 22 – Tribal offices closed in observance of National Native American Day. • Monday, Sept. 25 – Family Night Out, 3:30-6:30 p.m., old powwow grounds in front of Governance Center. Rain or shine event. 503-879- 2034. • Wednesday, Sept. 27 – Tribal Council meeting, 4 p.m., in-person attendance in Tribal Council Chambers and via Zoom. 503-879-2304. taɫlam-mun (October) • Sunday, Oct. 1 – General Council meeting, 11 a.m., in-person atten- dance in Tribal Council Chambers and via Zoom. 503-879-2304. • Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 4-5 – History and Culture Summit, 8 a.m. to noon with afternoon breakout sessions and an optional plankhouse dinner Wednesday. Chachalu Museum & Cultural Center and via Zoom. Advance registration required for in-person events at • Monday, Oct. 9 – Tribal offices closed in observance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day. • Wednesday, Oct. 11 – Tribal Council meeting, 4 p.m., Tribal Council Chambers and via Zoom. 503-879-2304. • Wednesday, Oct. 25 – Tribal Council meeting, 4 p.m., Tribal Council Chambers and via Zoom. 503-879-2304. Photo by Michelle Alaimo Youth Empowerment & Prevention Grant Coordinator Angey Rideout leaves tobacco outside of the Warriors of Hope program expansion during a blessing for the new offices on Wednesday, Sept. 6. The $1.6 million, 2,100-square-foot addition to the Tribal Community Center is the new home to the program that serves survivors of domestic and sexual violence. During the blessing, Chachalu Manager Travis Stewart smudged the inside of the building while Cultural Resources Manager David Harrelson, Cultural Education Coordinator Jordan Mercier and Tribal Council member Jon A. George sang a blessing song. Afterward, Warriors of Hope Program Manager Danielle Murrell, Social Services Department Manager Dana Ainam and Tribal Council members spoke briefly. Everyone who attended left tobacco in the building as a way to share their thoughts of what they wanted for the building and to acknowledge the work that has gone into it so far. To stay abreast of future Tribal events, visit OFFICIAL TRIBAL FACEBOOK PAGES Smoke Signals: MOA Hunting and Fishing in 2023 The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: As part of the historic agreement with the State of Oregon, the Nat- ural Resources Department (NRD) has been given authority to is- sue hunting tags in an expanded area outside of the Trask wildlife management unit. Effective October 2023, MOA Tags will be available for General Western Oregon Coast Buck AND the Gen- eral Season Elk. Additionally, combined angling and harvest cards will be available. Grand Ronde Health & Wellness: Grand Ronde Children & Family Services: Grand Ronde Royalty: No application necessary. Grand Ronde Education Programs: A new Hunting and Fishing license issued by the NRD will be required for hunters wishing to hunt a MOA tag. Expanded office hours for 2023 are 7:30 a.m. - 7 p.m., Tuesday to Thursday. If additional accommodation is needed outside of these hours, please call 503-879-2424 for appointment. In-person pick up of tag is required. Stay tuned Specific tag information in October 1 issue of Smoke Signals. Grand Ronde Youth Council: Grand Ronde Station: Grand Ronde Social Services Department: Grand Ronde Food Bank: Spirit Mountain Community Fund: Grand Ronde Cultural Education: Grand Ronde Community Garden: Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department: Eligible MOA areas include Trask, Willamette, Stott Mountain, Wilson and Santiam (with modified east- ern border) Wildlife Management Units. Eligible ma- rine fishing zone 50 miles off the coast of Wilson, Trask and Stott Mountain units. Grand Ronde Employment Services Ad by Samuel Briggs III