9 sNok signflz AUGUST 15, 2023 Tribal member sisters barrel race at Yamhill County Fair By Tanner Russ Yamhill County News-Register McMINNVILLE — The main at- traction at the Yamhill County Fair on Wednesday, Aug. 2, was the bull riding and barrel racing in front of a packed Cascade Rodeo Arena. The competitors for the night in- cluded barrel racing sisters Rylee, Tinlee and Lilee Bishop, all Grand Ronde Tribal members from the Willamina area, along with younger cousin Paityn Bruckner from Grand Ronde. They were among 23 barrel racers. The Bishop sisters, along with their brother and Tribal member Brantley, are all under 15 years old and have been competing in barrel racing for years. Rylee, 14, began racing at the age of 4; Tinlee, 9, took up the sport three years ago; and Lilee, 7, began competitively last year. Cousin Paityn, 5, is the youngest of the group. It runs in the family. The Bishop’s mother, Megan, and sister, Devon Bruckner, were barrel racing them- selves when they were younger. “I grew up doing it and my sister Devon grew up doing it, so we really wanted to get them into it,” Megan said. “They are actually all horses that we grew up doing it on. They’re born and raised on our parents’ place. We raised them all. (Lilee’s horse) Wild Thing, she’s our prized possession. But they’re all siblings, so it’s pretty cool to get them to ride on the horses we grew up riding on and rodeoing on.” Due to the age gap between the sisters and their cousin, they don’t compete directly against each oth- er in most competitions they ride in. According to Rylee, the lack of direct competition doesn’t hinder the girls’ connection on horseback. “We sometimes have little chal- lenges at home, but we don’t se- Contributed photos Tribal member Tinlee Bishop, 9, competes in a barrel racing competition at the Yamhill County Fair and Rodeo in McMinnville on Wednesday, Aug. 2. Tribal member Rylee Bishop, 14, competes in a barrel i n g h o r s e racing competition at the Yamhill County Fair and stalls, buck- Rodeo in McMinnville on Wednesday, Aug. 2. ing hay, but it teaches you discipline. ing in various competitions over That’s what we want our the course of the summer with kids to grow up learning.” the Youth Rodeo Association and “It teaches me a lot of re- will be competing in several more sponsibility,” Rylee said. “I in the coming years. Rylee will be have to get up every morn- competing in the Northwest High ing; they’re the reason I School Rodeo Club, while Tinlee get up every morning just and Brantley will participate in the to mess with them. Like 8 Oregon Junior High Rodeo. Tribal member Lilee Bishop, 7, competed in a.m., but on school mornings For the people who have the the barrel racing competition at the Yamhill like 6 to 7 to get them ready.” means and the curiosity to give bar- But it’s also an entertain- rel racing a go, Rylee gave advice. County Fair and Rodeo in McMinnville on ing sport, according to Tinlee. “Find a good horse,” Rylee said. Wednesday, Aug. 2. “It’s fun to go fast on your “You should for sure know how horse,” Tinlee said. “I don’t know, I riously compete,” Rylee said. “We to ride before you get a horse be- just like doing it because I’m com- ride every day together for hours, cause there’s a lot of girls that I peting against my siblings and my and I help out my little sister with compete with who will get a crazy friends.” training and stuff.” good horse, but don’t know how to The siblings have been compet- The “stuff” includes getting up at ride.” early hours to clean stalls, bucking hay and grooming the horses. All of those responsibilities, coupled with riding the horses and practicing for Grand Ronde Tribal members, as well as Tribal and Spirit Moun- hours on end, strengthen the con- tain Casino employees, can receive a 30-cent per gallon discount on nection between horse and rider. It’s also a way to instill strong val- gasoline at the Tribally owned Grand Ronde Station convenience ues, according to Megan and Rylee. store. “We grew up cleaning 20 to 30 There are, however, a few rules. Tribal members and employees horse stalls on the weekends when must go inside and show either their enrollment card or employee our friends were out camping and identification card to receive the discount. stuff,” Megan said. “We were clean- Gas discount in Grand Ronde a łush lamatsin event THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF GRAND RONDE & ALL ARE WE WATER COLLECTIVE PRESENT by d re th o s t u en on Yo Sp TGR erm n io C ow t p en Em Prev & 3-ON-3 e xp No e nec rienc e ess ary ! WHEN: Saturday, Aug. 19 (8 a.m.-finish) WHO CAN PLAY: Coed, Middle and High School Brackets Men's Open, Women's Open *TEAMS OF 4 WHERE: Uyxat Powwow Grounds 9600 Highway 22 (Hebo Road), Grand Ronde, OR 97347 Learn How to Surf from a Professional Surfer! When: August 25th OTHER INFO: All teams must have a coach (18+) PRIZES FOR 3 POINT CONTEST and 1st-3rd PLACE FREE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS AUG. 18 AT 10 P.M Ages 10 - 18 recreation@grandronde.org | 503.879.1369 CLICK TO REGISTER 9:00am - 2:00pm What: Surfing Clinic & Ocean Safety Where: Otter Rock, OR Who: For Members & Descendants of The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde *All Are We provides all the surfing SCAN TO REGISTER equipment including: surfboards, wetsuits, & booties Sign Ups are Open! Visit allarewesignup.as.me/ grandronde Learn more at: allarewe.org/events/grandronde