sNok signflz AUGUST 15, 2023 7 MARRIAGES IN TRIBAL COURT Tribal Court is issuing marriage licenses and is able to perform marriage ceremonies for a filing fee of $40. Contact the Tribal Court at 503-879-2303. GAMING ORDINANCE OPEN FOR COMMENT Tribal Council is considering amendments to the Gaming Ordi- nance. The proposed amendments were given a First Reading at the June 28, 2023, Tribal Council meeting. The proposed amendments reflect recent amendments to the Tribal/ State Gaming Compact and: (1) Amend definitions of High Securi- ty and Primary Management Official Gaming Licenses; (2) Revise license application and background investigation requirements to better reflect information currently necessary for safe operation of the Gaming Facility; and (3) Other minor and technical changes. Tribal Council invites comment on the proposed amendments to the Gaming Ordinance. For a copy of the proposed amendments, contact the Tribal Attorney’s Office at 503-879-4664. Please send your com- ments to the Tribal Attorney’s Office, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR, 97347 or by e-mail to Comments must be received by Sept. 1, 2023. TRIBAL EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS ORDINANCE OPEN FOR COMMENT Tribal Council is considering adopting amendments to the Tribal Em- ployment Rights Ordinance. The proposed amendments were given a First Reading at the Aug. 9, 2023, Tribal Council meeting. The proposed revisions reflect the need for additional scrutiny and standards to be applied in screening candidates for Executive Level Positions. Specifically, the proposed amendments will: (1) Amend the definition of Executive Level Position to include direct reports to the Grand Ronde Gaming Commission; (2) exempt Executive Level Positions from the existing Tribal preference requirements in Part III, Section (b) (1) and provide that as between equally qualified Tribal and non-Tribal candidates for Executive Level Positions, the Tribal candidate shall be offered the position; and (3) amend Part III (f)(4) (A) to exempt Executive Level Positions from minimum qualification assessment reviews by the TERO Director. Tribal Council invites comment on the proposed amendments. For a copy of the proposed amendments, please contact the Tribal At- torney’s Office at 503-879-4664. Please send your comments to the Tribal Attorney’s Office, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347, or by e-mail to Comments must be received by Sept. 15, 2023. Heat Wave Tips Open up windows in the late evening and early morning to make sure your house cools down inside. When it starts to warm up, close all windows and blinds. If you do not have blinds, find something to hang over the windows to keep the sun out. HYDRATION, HYDRATION, HYDRATION o Water o Gatorade, PowerAde or anything with electrolytes to make sure your body will absorb the water. o Popsicles. o Add lemon to your water or crystal light if you need a little flavor to encourage consumption. o Freeze fruit such as grapes, blueberries, berries and watermelon to snack on. Too hot o If you have a sprinkler cool off in it. o If you go to the river, make sure you are wearing sunscreen, taking breaks from the sun and making sure your body does not cool too quickly. o The outside temperature and river temperatures will be different; pay attention to your body. If you are in need of assistance and are concerned, please contact the non-emergency line at 503-879-FIRE (3473). Also, if you know someone who lives alone, please call and check in on your neighbors! Smoke Signals file photo The Department of State Lands extended the Grand Ronde Tribe’s permit to have a removable fishing platform at Willamette Falls through August 2028 on Thursday, Aug. 3. The Tribe is allowed to harvest 15 salmon annually for ceremonial purposes at the falls. Platform allows fishing at culturally appropriate time PERMIT continued from front page partment employees were then forced to ferry supplies across the Willamette River from the Oregon City side of the falls to the West Linn side. The Tribe obtained authorization from the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife to harvest 15 cere- monial fish at the falls in 2016. The platform allows Tribal members to take fish at the culturally appropri- ate time of year instead of later in the season when water levels are lower and rocks are exposed. Tribal Fish & Wildlife Program Manager Kelly Dirksen said that the Tribe annually requests permission to harvest salmon from the platform with the time period ranging from early April to the end of July. This year, Tribal fishermen harvested all 15 allowable fish in one day. The Department of State Lands permit must be renewed every five years. Updated date