6 AUGUST 15, 2023 Smoke Signals Community Services plan available for review Mural dedication The Community Services 2024-25 Block Grant Tribal Plan will be available for public review starting on Wednesday, Aug. 16, through Wednesday, Aug. 30. The plan will be posted in the Health & Wellness and Community Center lobbies. Tribal members also can e-mail Community Programs Manager Caitlin Zimbrick at caitlin.zimbrick@grandronde.org for a copy of the plan or to ask questions and provide comments. Meet and greet Photo by Michelle Alaimo Front row from left, Tribal Council member Lisa Leno, Tribal Council Chairwoman Cheryle A. Kennedy, Oregon Department of State Police Tribal Liaison Glendon Smith and Tribal Council Secretary Michael Langley and, second row from left, OSP Captain Tim Fox, Tribal Council members Brenda Tuomi and Jon A. George and Grand Ronde Tribal Police Chief Jake McKnight met in Tribal Council’s conference room on Wednesday, Aug. 9. Smith, a Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs member, is new to the Tribal liaison position and is visiting the state’s Tribes to introduce himself and discuss issues. ATTENTION GRAND RONDE TRIBAL MEMBERS IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THE SEPTEMBER 2023 PER CAPITA DISTRIBUTION Tribal Council member Kathleen George speaks about endangered species during the unveiling of a new mural at 1350 N.W. Lovejoy St. in Portland on Thursday, Aug. 3. The mural commemorating and celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act features Oregon species protected by the act, such as gray wolves, western painted turtles, Coho salmon and the northern spotted owl. The mural was painted by artist Jeremy Nichols in collaboration with Oregon Wild, Portland Street Art Alliance and Killian Pacific. Photos by Michelle Alaimo SEE MORE OF THIS STORY @SmokeSignalsCTGR Health & Wellness Center hours The Health & Wellness Center has additional access for patients during holiday weeks on Thursday mornings. The clinic will be scheduling patients at 8 a.m. every Thursday preceding or following a holiday closure. Urgent care also will be available during this time. The Natural Resources Department will be accepting new applications for the 2024 Ceremonial Fishing Season. Deadline Dates for September 2023 Per Capita Applicants must: • Change of Address: Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2023 BY 5 P.M. • Change of Direct Deposit: Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2023 BY 5 P.M. ◊ Be an enrolled Tribal member age 18 or older. ◊ Must be able to pass required swim test. ◊ Attend and complete all required trainings. ◊ Submit an application before Sept. 8 PER CAPITA DIRECT DEPOSIT Forms can be found: • Online at: www.grandronde.org • Or by contacting Kalene Contreras at 503-879-2204 or Kalene.contreras@grandronde.org ADDRESS CHANGES Changes can be made by: • Calling the Member Services Department at 503-879-2116 • If you get voicemail your address will still be changed if you clearly state your: • Name • Roll # • Date of Birth • Last 4 digits of SS# • New Address Ad by Samuel Briggs III