sNok signflz AUGUST 15, 2023 13 ors Past and Present’ l at the Paddle to Muckleshoot y Center. portunity to take the stage for protocol. Approximately 100 members of the Ca- noe Family began at approximately 9 a.m. and concluded two Grand Ronde Canoe Family skipper Bobby Mercier asks the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe for permission to come ashore during the Paddle to Muckleshoot 2023 Landing Day at Alki Beach Park in Seattle, Wash., on Sunday, July 30. hours later. At protocol, Merci- er introduced himself in Chinuk Indigenous governments signed Wawa and English. the Centennial Accord, recognizing “Let’s wake up this crowd,” he Indigenous sovereignty. Fifteen said. “Let’s wake up the people still Tribes and First Nations participat- sleeping in camp.” ed in the Paddle to Seattle. Although the hour was relatively Today, upwards of 120 canoes early and most Canoe Family par- representing as many as 90 U.S. ticipants hadn’t had much sleep, Tribes and Canadian First Nations they performed traditional songs and up to 12,000 people participate with enthusiasm and pride. in the annual journey, paddling Afterward, Mercier thanked the canoes, operating support boats, Muckleshoot Tribe for its hospi- acting as ground crew, singing, tality. dancing and sharing their cultures The 2023 journey marked the and traditions. 31st anniversary of the event, first Canoe Journey was designed as a held in 1989. Canoe Journey wasn’t family-friendly event to familiarize held during 2020, 2021 or 2022 due Northwest Tribes with the trade to COVID. routes used by their ancestors and Grand Ronde’s Canoe Family to promote a healthy lifestyle free first participated in the 2005 of substance abuse. Canoe Journey, which landed The 2023 Canoe Journey closed on Tribal member Kaylene Barry dances during the Grand Ronde Canoe Family’s on Hollywood Beach in Port An- Sunday, Aug. 6, with Muckleshoot protocol at the Paddle to Muckleshoot 2023 Canoe Journey at Muckleshoot geles, Wash. Some participants songs and dances, giveaways, trans- Indian Tribe’s Community Center. fondly recall subsisting on Clif fer of the stick to Bars and Red Bull energy drinks. the next hosting Nowadays, they travel with a full Tribe and a retir- support staff who set up camp and ing of the colors. prepare meals. The Suqua- The Canoe Journey began in mish Tribe in 1989 with the “Paddle to Seattle,” western Wash- which was held in conjunction with ington will host Washington’s 100th anniversary of the 2024 Canoe statehood. That year, the state and Journey. TO SEE MORE PHOTOS AND VIDEO @SmokeSignalsCTGR @ctgrsmokesignals @SmokeSignalsCTGR Tribal member Alexis Contreras dances while Stankiya is sung as the Grand Ronde Canoe Family perform protocol during the Paddle to Muckleshoot 2023 Canoe Journey at Muckleshoot Indian Tribe’s Community Center on Wednesday, Aug. 2, in Auburn, Wash. Photos by Michelle Alaimo