8 AUGUST 1, 2023 Smoke Signals Audit finds mismanagement at Chemawa Indian School CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF GRAND RONDE OFFICIAL BALLOT TRIBAL COUNCIL ELECTION SEPTEMBER 9, 2023 01 MATTHEW ADVISORY QUESTIONS QUESTION #1 Vote For No More Than One (1) Should the Tribe change the current enrollment requirements? YES CHRISTOPHER G. MERCIER NO SAMPLE SAMPLE HALLER SAMPLE Vote For No More Than Three (3) . QUESTION #2 Vote For No More Than One (1) Do you support the Tribe moving towards Lineal Descendancy for enrollment? YES NO QUESTION #3 SAMPLE CANDIDATES FOR TRIBAL COUNCIL pointing to your choice like this: SAMPLE SAMPLE TO VOTE: Complete the arrow BAILEY LISA MARLENE NO QUESTION #4 Vote For No More Than One (1) Do you support repealing and replacing the 1999 Constitution Amendment requirements including: parent on the roll at the time of application, parent on the roll at time of birth and the Indian blood tied to the Restoration Roll ancestor requirement? YES NO QUESTION #5 Vote For No More Than One (1) What Constitutional Amendment Election would be your top choice for Tribal Council to pursue next? Lineal Descendancy SAMPLE SAMPLE LENO YES SAMPLE CHRISTOPHER Do you support the Tribe in moving towards 4/4 blood quantum applied to a specific roll or date for enrollment? 4/4 Blood Quantum Repealing and Replacing the 1999 Constitution Amendment requirements including: parent on the roll at the time of application, parent on the roll at time of birth, and the Indian blood tied to the Restoration Roll ancestor requirement. None of the Above SAMPLE LANGLEY SAMPLE MICHAEL A. SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE VERONICA MONTANO SAMPLE Vote For No More Than One (1) SALEM – An audit released Tuesday, July 18, by the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Inspector General found poor accounting practices and oversight at Oregon’s only federally-run boarding school, Chemawa Indian School in Salem. The audit, requested by Oregon Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, is titled “The Chemawa Indian School Did Not Account for Its Financial Resources, and the Bureau of Indian Education Did Not Provide Financial Oversight.” The audit found problems with how Chemawa administrators managed an almost $600,000 fund in its Student Enterprise Account, a bank the school operated to safeguard money that belongs to individual students. The audit identified money missing from student accounts, including a $319,000 shortage in the school’s accounting records compared to $219,000 in bank statements. The audit also looked at a $2.2 million sample of Chemawa’s spending of government funding over a two-year period and labeled more than 25 percent of that spending “inappropriate and potentially wasteful.” Bureau of Indian Education Director Tony Dearman concurred with almost all of the inspector general’s 26 recommendations. “This new report confirms the worst fears of anybody advocating for Tribal students at the Chemawa School to be well educated and well cared for by the adults entrusted with these young lives,” Wyden said about the audit’s findings. He added that he will continue pressing for fixes at Chemawa Indian School. Includes information from Oregon Public Broadcasting SSI recipients eligible for Internet service aid Any household with an individual receiving Supplemental Security Income is eligible to receive discounted Internet service through the Affordable Connectivity Program launched by the Federal Communica- tions Commission. Social Security does not count Affordable Connectivity Program assistance as income or a resource for SSI purposes. The program provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward Inter- net service for eligible households and $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Eligible households also can receive a one-time discount of up to $100 toward purchasing a laptop, desktop computer or tablet from participating providers. To enroll in the Connectivity Program, go to www.fcc.gov/asp. THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF GRAND RONDE & ALL ARE WE WATER COLLECTIVE PRESENT by d re h so out nt n Y e o Sp TGR erm n C ow tio n p e Em Prev & exp No e nec rienc e ess ary ! Learn How to Surf from a Professional Surfer! When: August 25th 9:00am - 2:00pm What: Surfing Clinic & Ocean Safety Where: Otter Rock, OR Who: For Members & Descendants of The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Ages 10 - 18 *All Are We provides all the surfing equipment including: surfboards, wetsuits, & booties Sign Ups are Open! Visit allarewesignup.as.me/ grandronde Learn more at: allarewe.org/events/grandronde