Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, August 01, 2023, Page 3, Image 3

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    sNok signflz
AUGUST 1, 2023
ODFW Commission to consider
Grand Ronde MOU on Aug. 4
By Danielle Harrison
If you go
Smoke Signals editor
stuxtkin-mun (August)
• Wednesday, Aug. 9 – Tribal Council meeting, 4 p.m., in-person attendance
in Tribal Council Chambers and via Zoom. 503-879-2304.
• Friday-Sunday, Aug. 18-20 – Grand Ronde Contest Powwow, Uyxat Pow-
wow Grounds. 9600 S.W. Hebo Road. Grand entries at 7 p.m. Friday, 1
and 7 p.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday.
• Thursday-Saturday, Aug. 17-19 – Annual Fish Distribution, 9 a.m., Natural
Resources Department Fish Lab, 47010 S.W. Hebo Road. 503-879-2424.
• Monday, Aug. 21 – Family Night Out, 4:30 to 8 p.m., old powwow grounds,
9615 Grand Ronde Road. To volunteer, contact destiny.osborn@gran-
• Wednesday, Aug. 23 – Tribal Council meeting, 4 p.m., in-person attendance
in Tribal Council Chambers and via Zoom. 503-879-2304.
• Wednesday, Aug. 23 – Annual Fish Distribution, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Portland
Area Office, 4445 S.W. Barbur Blvd., Portland. 503-879-1881.
• Friday, Aug. 25 – Grand Ronde Education Summit, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
Spirit Mountain Casino, 26820 S.W. Salmon River Highway.
• Monday, Sept. 4 – Tribal offices closed in observance of the Labor Day
• Wednesday, Sept. 6 – Tribal Council meeting, 4 p.m., in-person attendance
in Tribal Council Chambers and via Zoom. 503-879-2304.
• Saturday, Sept. 9 – Tribal Election Day. Ballots due by 6 p.m. 503-879-2271.
• Sunday, Sept. 10 – General Council meeting, 11 a.m., in-person attendance
in Tribal Council Chambers and via Zoom. 503-879-2304.
• Wednesday, Sept. 13 – Tribal Council swearing in-ceremony, 11 a.m., Tribal
Governance Center, 9615 Grand Ronde Road. 503-879-2304.
• Wednesday, Sept. 20 – Tribal Council meeting, 4 p.m., in-person attendance
in Tribal Council Chambers and via Zoom. 503-879-2304.
• Friday, Sept. 22 – Tribal offices closed in observance of National Native
American Day.
To stay abreast of future Tribal events,
After it was abruptly pulled from
the agenda at a June meeting in
Newport, the Tribe’s memorandum
of understanding to expand its cer-
emonial hunting and fishing areas
is up for consideration once again.
The Oregon Department of Fish
& Wildlife Commission will meet
at its Salem headquarters Friday,
Aug. 4, to decide whether to ap-
prove the agreement with Grand
Ronde. It will be discussed at 1:30
p.m. as per the meeting agenda.
The Tribe’s proposed memoran-
dum of understanding, which was
up for consideration at ODFW’s
June meeting, was postponed after
two other Tribes – Warm Springs
and Umatilla – voiced concerns
that it would interfere with their
treaty rights.
Grand Ronde has been working
for years to have its hunting and
fishing rights restored after being
forced into a consent decree with
the state to get its Reservation ap-
proved in 1988. During the Tribe’s
efforts to secure Reservation lands,
the only path forward at the time
was to sign the decree.
Various Tribal Council members
have encouraged Tribal members
who would like to give input to at-
tend the meeting, either virtually
or in-person.
The topic was discussed at length
during the Legislative Action Com-
mittee meeting on Tuesday, July
Commission meeting
When: 8 a.m. Friday, Aug. 4.
Grand Ronde’s agreement will
be considered at 1:30 p.m.
Where: ODFW headquarters,
4034 Fairview Industrial Drive
Southeast, Salem.
More information: Call 503-
947-6044 or visit dfw.state.
25, after the council had met with
members of the Warm Springs
Tribal Council in an effort to resolve
differences prior to the hearing.
“It was civil, cordial and pro-
fessional, but we didn’t resolve
our differences,” Vice Chair Chris
Mercier said. “As far as I know,
we’re still moving forward (with
the agreement) so please come and
show your support.”
“Our people are already hunting
and fishing in our ceded lands,”
Tribal Council member Kathleen
George said. “This agreement will
allow us to manage that in partner-
ship with the state. We would love
to see you there in Salem.”
Those who want to give virtual
testimony must register at least
48 hours in advance. In-person
registration will be done at the
Still having a hard time deciding?
Smoke Signals:
The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde:
Grand Ronde Health & Wellness:
Grand Ronde Children & Family Services:
Grand Ronde Royalty:
Chris Mercier
Veronica Montano
Lisa Leno
Matthew Haller
Michael Langley
Chris Bailey
Grand Ronde Education Programs:
Grand Ronde Youth Council:
Grand Ronde Station:
Grand Ronde Social Services Department:
Grand Ronde Food Bank:
Smoke Signals
Spirit Mountain Community Fund:
has interviewed all six candidates and put their
interviews on beginning Friday, July 28.
Grand Ronde Cultural Education:
Grand Ronde Community Garden:
Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department:
For more information, contact
Kamiah Koch at 503-879-1461
Grand Ronde Employment Services
Visit and click on podcast
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Ad by Samuel Briggs III