Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, June 15, 2023, Page 9, Image 9

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    sNok signflz
JUNE 15, 2023
‘She was the spirit in Spirit Mountain Casino’
Former Oregon Gov. Barbara Roberts speaks during the
memorial service for Tribal Elder Kathryn Harrison held at
Spirit Mountain Casino’s Event Center.
HARRISON continued
from page 8
45-year friendship with Harrison,
provided a video salute while former
Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski and
current Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek
submitted written statements.
“She lit up the lives of all who
knew her,” AuCoin said. “Born
into humble beginnings, she in-
spired countless souls with her
unforgettable example of compas-
sion, benevolence and goodwill. …
Now Kathryn’s work on Earth is
done. She sits with her forbearers
watching to see if we will follow her
example. We will, Kathryn. You are
the newest star in the sky and we
will always see your light.”
“She was the spirit in Spirit
Mountain Casino,” Kotek said.
Tribal Lands Manager Jan Mi-
chael Looking Wolf Reibach, a
multiple Native American Music
Awards recipient, performed “We
Are All One Family” on Native flute
accompanied by Robin Gentlewolf
and Lori Sandall.
Tribal Council member Michael
Cherry, who is a former director of
Spirit Mountain Community Fund,
talked about Harrison’s desire to
see her succeed in her new job in
2017 and how proud she was of
Cherry when she was elected to
Tribal Council in 2021.
Four students from Kathryn
Jones Harrison Ele-
mentary School in
Corvallis discussed
Photos by Michelle Alaimo
meeting Harrison in
2022 when the Cor- Tribal Council member Michael Cherry speaks during the memorial service for Tribal Elder
vallis School District Kathryn Harrison held at Spirit Mountain Casino’s Event Center.
renamed one of its ele-
urday, June 3, that included tradi-
mentary schools after her. All four
The ceremony concluded with a
tional ceremonies and was not open
students talked about how honored
blessing from Cherry and fellow
to the public or media.
they were to meet “Mrs. Kathryn.”
Grand Ronde Tribal Council mem-
Harrison was buried at the Grand
Harrison biographer Kris Olson
ber Jon A. George and a closing
Ronde Tribal Cemetery on Sunday,
discussed her interviews for the
drum and song by the Grand Ronde
June 4. Pall bearers were Bobby
book “Standing Tall: The Life-
Mercier, Jordan Mercier, Michael
way of Kathryn Jones Harrison.”
“She was a true warrior,” Bobby
Van Pelt, Robert Van Pelt, Gary
She said Harrison had lived long
Mercier said before beginning the
Tarr and Frank Rich.
enough to abandon all signs of pre-
final drum.
At the time of her walking on, she
tense and was able to tell her life
Following the memorial service,
was a resident of the Tribe’s Adult
story without glossing over the bad
attendees were invited to stay for
Foster Care Elk Lodge.
times, such as being raised in an
a 1 p.m. salmon luncheon.
The memorial service also was
abusive foster care home or being
Harrison’s extended family and
on the Tribal governmen-
married and having 10 children
Grand Ronde Tribal members
tal website
with an alcoholic husband.
held a private ceremony at the
and watched by 55 people.
Olson added that Harrison had
achaf-hammi plankhouse on Sat-
an extensive memory for 1960s
rock song lyrics, particularly Janis
Joplin’s “Mercedes Benz.”
The final video tribute came
from American Museum of Natural
History Director Lisa Guggenheim.
Harrison was on Tribal Council
when the Tribe negotiated an
agreement with the New York City
museum that allowed Tomanowos
– the Willamette meteorite – to
remain at the museum in exchange
for annual ceremonial visits by
Grand Ronde Tribal members to
the sacred object.
Tribal Veterans Service Office
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