18 JUNE 15, 2023 Smoke Signals Congratulations, Sage Runningbird We are all proud of you. We love you! So much love, all of your family! Walking On... Other passings Kathleen Laurn Provost April 14, 1950 – June 5, 2023 Tribal Elder Kathleen Laurn Provost passed on Monday, June 5, 2023, at the age of 73. Dallas Mortuary Tribute Center is assisting the family. A remembrance gathering was held in the Tribal gymnasium on Friday, June 9. June 25th Happy birthday to the coolest 3-year-old around town. Keep on shining Bennett Schlappie-Guerrera! Love, your family. Community Fund seeking Hatfield Fellow applicants K-5 YOUTH PLEASE JOIN COMMUNITY HEALTH FOR SUM MER AC TIVITES 1 - 3 p.m. 6/2 8 : F I EL D G A MES 7 /6: B Y O B ( B RI NG Y OU R O WN B OWL ) - I CE C R E A M SOCI A L 7 /1 8: C OLO R I NG C ONTE S T 8/ 1: A Q UA D AY 8/1 5: R O C K P A I NTI NG Applications for the 2023-24 Hatfield Fellowship program funded by Spirit Mountain Community Fund are being accepted through June 15. Spirit Mountain Community Fund annually sponsors a Native American to serve as the Hatfield Fellow and intern in an Oregon congressional office. Placement of the fellow rotates through the Oregon delegation to enhance mutual understanding between leadership in Washington, D.C., and Indian Country. Fellows are provided an opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding of how to navigate the political process in Washington, D.C., while working on issues that affect Native Americans. Fellows begin their Capitol Hill experience in November with a month-long orientation at the American Political Science Association, which is followed by an eight-month term working in a congressional office. The fellowship includes a monthly stipend and relocation and travel expenses. The fellowship is for Tribal members from the nine federally recognized Tribes in Oregon, as well as members of Pacific Northwest Tribes. Howev- er, preference will be given to members of Oregon Tribes. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or be graduating in June 2023, and be 21 or older. For more information, visit thecommunityfund.com/grants-programs/hat- field-fellowship or go to youtu.be/7TOnNoFgUYs to watch an informational video about the Hatfield Fellowship. The fellowship was created in 1998 to honor the late Sen. Mark Hatfield’s public service to Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. M E E T A T C O M M U N I T Y H E A L T H F O R A L L A C T I V I T I E S QUESTIONS: CALL COMMUNITY HEALTH AT 503 - 879-2078 2023-2024 O PEN E NROLLMENT C HINUK As of May 15th, 2023 we will be accepting registration applications for interested incoming Kindergarteners. We are a Chinuk Wa- wa immersion program offering literacy instruc- tion through the use of Chinuk Wawa. Our stu- dents are shared with the Willamina Elementary School, so they are dually enrolled. In the years past, we have been a half day program holding services in the morning with transportation provided for students to end their school day at Willamina. However, our programming model has not yet been determined. If interested, please contact us for more info or fill out a registration and be updated on our plans as soon as they are decided. No prior language experience needed. If a student in a grade beyond kindergarten wants to enroll, please contact us for more information. Once we are at capaci- ty, we give tribal preference. Applications are available at https://www.grandronde.org/services/education/elementary-chinuk-language-program/ and can be turned in starting May 15th by: Mail: 9615 Grand Ronde Rd. Grand Ronde, OR 97347 OR emailed to either contact listed below Kate Thomas K/1 Chinuk Teacher 503-879-1632 Katelyne.Thomas@grandronde.org We enroll families, not just students. It is our belief that the only way for the language to live and flourish is for it to be learned and used in the home by the whole family. Paid ad