sNok signflz JUNE 15, 2023 13 Applications open for Eula Petite scholarship The 2023 Eula Petite Competitive Scholarship Program is now ac- cepting applications through Friday, June 30. The scholarship was established and dedicated to longtime Tribal member educator Eula Petite. This is a one-time scholarship award where one undergraduate and one graduate student will each receive a laptop computer. The application is available online at education/higher-education/educational-resources/ Pittock Mansion opens ‘This IS Kalapuyan Land’ Through most of July, visitors at Pittock Mansion will not only see panoramic views and early-20th century architecture, they also will see the “This IS Kalapuyan Land at Pittock Mansion” exhi- bition curated by Grand Ronde Tribal member and artist Steph Littlebird. The exhibit features historical panels sharing accurate repre- sentations of Indigenous people’s continued presence in the area, as well as contemporary Indigenous artwork. The Pittock Mansion exhibit is a spinoff of a 2019 exhibit Littlebird created with Five Oaks Museum after a problematic exhibit about Kalapuyan people was shown at the Washington County Museum in 2008, according to the Pittock Mansion website. Littlebird’s exhibition and the modern Native artwork affirms Native people still exist and live on their traditional homelands. The Washington County Mu- Chinuk Wawa Family Language Retreat Spaces are limited; RSVP early Meals will be provided Where: Longhouse When: June 16: 9am-5pm RSVP to Dustin by phone, 971 -264-4525 or by email, D u s t i n . Ry a n @ G r a n d Ro n d e . o r g For more information contact Dustin Ryan at or at 971-264-4525. *No prior language experience required *Children under 13 must attend with an adult. seum named the 2008 exhibit “This Kalapuya Land.” Littlebird named the 2019 exhibit “This IS Kalapuyan Land.” Input from former Tribal histo- rian David Lewis also was repre- sented in the annotated panels. The 2019 exhibition closed early in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Littlebird resides in Las Vegas, but traveled to see the opening of the exhibit in early February. “I am so excited to re-open this exhibition after it closed early due to the pandemic,” Littlebird says. “This gives folks who learned about ‘This IS Kalapuyan Land’ after it closed a chance to see the panels I edited with David Lewis’s help, and see a new collection of local Indigenous artwork.” “This IS Kalapuyan Land at Pittock Mansion” will be on dis- play until Sunday, July 23, at 3229 N.W. Pittock Drive, Port- land. – By Kamiah Koch