12 JUNE 1, 2023 Smoke Signals 2023-24 Tribal Trask Management hu ThankyouforyourinterestinapplyingfortheopportunitytohuntGrandRonde9sTraskManagementTags.Inaccordance with the Consent Decree signed in 1986, Grand Ronde receives a limited amount of Trask Management Unit tags to dis- tribute to its membership. To ensure as many Tribal members have the opportunity to hunt and that tags are distributed in a fair and consistent manner, the Tribe utilizes a random draw and has developed application rules. Failure to follow the rules outlined below will result in applications being denied. To enter our random draw you must: 1. Be an enrolled Grand Ronde Tribal member. 2.HaveahuntingandoshinglicenseissuedbytheConfederatedTribesofGrandRonde. 3. Apply by the application deadline. Ifanapplicantfailstoollouttheapplicationsinitsentirety,doesnothaveanissuedlicense,orolesduplicatesapplica- tions, all applications will be ineligible for the hunt or all hunts applied. How to Apply: There are now two options for applying, online or paper, but you may not do both. To apply online,gotowww.grandronde.org/TraskUnitTagApplicationsorscantheQRcodeatright.If applying on paper use the application(s) on the pages 14-15. Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde hunting licenses are issued at the Natural Resources Department.TribalEnrollmentCardsandHunter9sSafetyCertiocates(ifapplicable)are required at time of licensing. Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecall503-879-2424ore-mailatNRD@grandronde.org. TheNaturalResourcesstafwilldrawtagsonJuly11,2023.Stafwillbeginnotifyingsuc- cessful applicants by telephone/e-mail on July 13, 2023. All tags will be available for issue on Monday, July 17, 2023. Application rules and general guidelines APPLICATION " Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde hunting licenses are required before submitting DEADLINE: 5 p.m applications, this includes youth 11 and older. Friday, " Hunt applications must be in BLUE OR BLACK INK, be legible, and signed and ac- July 7, 2023 knowledged in all designated spaces by the applicant. " Losttagswillnotbereplaced.Itisthehunter9sresponsibilitytokeepalltagsinasafe and secure place. " Under no circumstances will a tag be issued without all of the proper documentation. Proper documentation is: Tribal issuedHuntingandFishinglicenseANDGrandRondeissuedTribalIDCardorCertiocateofIndianBlood(CIB)AND Hunter9sSafetyCertiocateifapplicable. " Ifpickingupforothers,pleasenotifyNaturalResourcespriortopickup.Pleasebeadvised,theTribalissuedHunting and Fishing license ANDGrandRondeissuedTribalIDCardANDHunter9sSafetyCertiocate(ifapplicable)willbe required when picking up a tag for others. NO Exceptions. Hunt Categories and Seasons: Categories are as follows: " BEAR (Black Bear) MALEELK(BOW,1STSeason,2NDSeason) o ELKHUNTERSyoumustchooseoneseasontoapply, Bow, 1st OR 2nd Season. Applications submitted for multi- ple Elk seasons will result in all applications being ineligible. "CONTROL/DAMAGEELK: o ELKHUNTERSyoumustchooseoneseasontoapply: SE Trask, West Trask #1, West Trask #2, Panther Creek, Trask, NE Trask Muzzleloader, NE Trask #1, NE Trask #2, Central Trask #1, Central Trask #2. Applications submitted for multiple Control/Damage Elk seasons will result in all applications being ineligible. o For paper applications, you must specify the Season Name of the season you are applying for on your application under Season Name. " DEER TAGS (BOW/Muzzleloader): o You must choose one season to apply, BOW or Muzzleloader. Applications submitted for both sea- sons will result in all applications being ineligible. "COASTBUCK3noapplicationneeded.First-come,orst-serve. "CONTROLDAMAGEDOE:AnylicensedTribalmembermayapply. Applicants may apply for one Season in each Category. One Male Elk, One Control Damage Elk, One Bow or Muzzleloader Deer, and One Control Damaged Doe season. Hunters submitting multiple appli- cations for hunt categories, such as applying for both male elk bow and 1st season tags, will result in all 2023 Trask tag applications being ineligible for that hunter. Youth Tags o Any licensed Tribal member between the ages of 11-17 may apply. Youth 13 and under, MUST BE ACCOMPANIEDbyalicensedadultatleast21yearsofageunlesshuntingonpropertyownedbythe parents or legal guardian. oYouthhunters11yearsofagemayapply.However,theymustturn12bythe