24 MAY 15, 2023 Saturday, April 1 " Oïcersrespondedtoanemotionallydisturbedpersoncallinthe 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " Oïcersreceivedananimalcomplaintinthe9600blockofHebo Road. " Oïcersreceivedatelephonicharassmentcallinthe27100block of Salmon River Highway. " Oïcersrespondedtoatrespasscallinthe9600blockofHebo Road.Thevehicle9soccupanteludedoïcersonfoot.Oïcers were unable to locate the subject after conducting a search. Sunday, April 2 " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyinthe22900blockofGrand Ronde Road for a suicidal subject call. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyintakingasubjectintocusto- dy for a warrant arrest. " OïcersreceivedadrivingcomplaintonHighway18nearmile- post16.Oïcerswereunabletolocatethevehicle. Monday, April 3 " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencywithagroupofsubjectswho were refusing to identify themselves and were not cooperating withoïcers9ordersintheareaofCherryStreetinWillamina. " Citizen contact occurred in the 9700 block of Tilixam Circle. " A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 26700 block of Salmon River Highway. " Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road. Tuesday, April 4 " Oïcersrespondedtoatheftcallinthe27100blockofSalmon River Highway. " OïcersreceivedreportsofajuvenilewalkingalongHighway18 nearmilepost22.Oïcersfoundthejuvenileandnotioedthelegal guardians. " OïcersservedacivilintheEadCreekhousingarea. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencywithamedicalemergency call in the 26100 block of Salmon River Highway. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonareported911hang-up/ domestic disturbance call in the 800 block of Excel Street in Sher- idan. Wednesday, April 5 " Oïcersinteractedwithasubjectinthe120blockofWindRiver Drive.Oïcerslaterdeterminedthesubjecthadawarrantissued for their arrest. " OïcersconductedatraïcstoponHighway22nearmilepost1. Oïcersarrestedthedriverforavalidarrestwarrant. " OïcersassistedadriverwithatirechangenearGrandRonde Road and Highway 18. " Citizen contact occurred in the 8300 block of Andy Riggs Road. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonadomesticdisturbance call that involved weapons. Thursday, April 6 " Oïcersrespondedtoasuspiciousactivitycallabouttwomilesup Agency Creek Road. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencywithanin-progressattempt- ed stolen vehicle in the 25900 block of Salmon River Highway. " Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road. " Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road. Friday, April 7 " Oïcersreceivedadrivingcomplaintinthe9600blockofHebo Road.Oïcerswereunabletolocatethevehicle. " Animal complaint reported on Highway 18 near milepost 24. " Oïcerscontactedasubjectinthe27100blockofSalmonRiv- erHighway.Oïcersdeterminedthesubjecthadawarrantand arrested the person. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencywithanemotionallydisturbed person call in in the area of North Street and Grand Ronde Road. " OïcersreceivedadrivingcomplaintonHighway18nearmile- post 12 headed eastbound. " Oïcersrespondedtoasuspiciousactivitycallinthe9600block of Hebo Road. " Oïcersrespondedtothe22400blockofGrandRondeRoadfor a911hang-upcall.Oïcersattemptedtomakecontactatthe residence but no one answered. Saturday, April 8 " Oïcerslocatedasubjectinthe9600blockofGrandRonde Road and were made aware that the person had a warrant issued fortheirarrest.Oïcersarrestedthesubjectwithoutincident. " Suspicious activity reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencywithasuspiciousactivitycall Smoke Signals in the 7600 block of Fire Hall Road. " OïcersreceivedatrespasscallonanearbypropertynearHigh- way18atmilepost23.Asoïcersarrived,theylocatedthevehi- clethatwasgettingreadytoleave.Oïcersconductedatraïc stop and learned that the driver had a warrant issued for their arrest.Oïcersalsolocateddrugsalongwithweaponsinsidethe vehicle, and arrested the driver. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyintakingasubjectintocusto- dy in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road. " Oïcerslocatedasubjectwhohadawarrantissuedfortheir arrestintheareaofFireHallandAndyRiggsroads.Oïcerstook the subject into custody. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonadomesticdisturbance callinthe100blockofNorthwestViolaStreetinSheridan. Sunday, April 9 " OïcerslocatedavehicleparkedonprivatepropertyonHighway 18nearmilepost21.Theoccupantsleftshortlyafteroïcerstres- passed them. " Oïcersdeliveredcivilpapers. Monday, April 10 " Citizen contact occurred in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. Tuesday, April 11 " A drug complaint was reported in the 27100 block of Salmon Riv- er Highway. " OïcersassistedthedriverofastrandedvehicleonHighway18 near milepost 26. " Traïcassistperformednearmilepost23onHighway18. " Civil service performed in the 4100 block of Salmon River Highway. " Oïcersreceivedafraudcallinthe9600blockofGrandRonde Road. Wednesday, April 12 " A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 27100 block of Salmon River Highway. " Citizen contact occurred on Highway 18 near Jahn Road. " OïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonatraïcstopnearSawtell Road on Highway 22. " Citizen contact occurred in the 8700 block of Grand Ronde Road. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyinlocatingasuspectina case the other law enforcement personnel were working on. Thursday, April 13 " Oïcersrespondedtoasuspiciousvehiclecallinthe9600block of Hebo Road. " OïcersrespondedtoacrashattheintersectionofAAckerson and Grand Ronde roads. " Oïcersconductedawarrantserviceinthe500blockofSherman Street.Oïcerstookthesubjectintocustodywithoutincident. " Citizen contact occurred in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road. Friday, April 14 " Oïcersconductedawelfarecheckinthe48700blockofEagle Loop. " Oïcersassistedanoutsideagencyonacivilserviceinthe 25300 block of Grand Ronde Road. " Oïcerscontactedandarrestedanindividualinthe27100block of Salmon River Highway for a valid warrant. " Oïcersrespondedtothe9500blockofRavenLoopforareport of a menacing call. " Suspicious activity was reported in the 9600 block of Grand Ronde Road. " OïcersrespondedtoacrashonHighway18nearmilepost23. " Oïcersrespondedtoatheftcallinthe27100blockofSalmon River Highway. Saturday, April 15 " A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 28600 block of Salmon River Highway. " A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 9600 block of Hebo Road. " Citizen contact occurred on Highway 18 near milepost 26. " Oïcersreceivedinformationofasuicidalsubjectwhowaspos- siblyheadedtotheGrandRondearea.Oïcerswereunableto locate the person9s vehicle. " OïcersinteractedwithasubjectnearMcPhersonandGrand Ronderoads.Oïcerslaterdeterminedthesubjectwasasuspect inacaseanotheragencywasinvestigating.Oïcersarrestedthe subject without incident. " Citizen contact occurred on Highway 18 near milepost 26. " Oïcerswereinthe27100blockofSalmonRiverHighwayand See POLICE LOG continued on page 25