20 MAY 15, 2023 Smoke Signals Applications open for Eula Petite scholarship The 2023 Eula Petite Competitive Scholarship Program is now ac- cepting applications through Friday, June 30. The scholarship was established and dedicated to longtime Tribal member educator Eula Petite. This is a one-time scholarship award where one undergraduate and one graduate student will each receive a laptop computer. The application is available online at www.grandronde.org/services/ education/higher-education/educational-resources/ þ Grand Ronde Head Start Preschool Apply star}ng : April 03, 2023 Applica}ons due by : June 2, 2023 Head Start nurtures the growth of you and your child. Join our suppor}ve community and give your child a strong head start. For Kids: For Parents: ÷ Safe, quality early educa}on ÷ Connec}on to housing resources ÷ Qualioed teachers ÷ Employment assistance ÷ Healthy meals ÷ Parent training & support ÷ Cultural opportuni}es ÷ ÷ Transporta}on may be available Enrollment opportuni}es for pregnant women ÷ Resources for children with disabili}es ÷ Enrollment opportuni}es for all incomes WAYS TO APPLY: ONLINE at : htps://www.grandronde.org/services/educa}on/early-childhood-educa}on/ Email dawn.doar@grandronde.org for an applica}on Or Scan QR Code: Enrolling ages birth to 4 Pittock Mansion opens 8This IS Kalapuyan Land9 Through most of July, visitors at Pittock Mansion will not only see panoramic views and early-20th century architecture, they also will see the