sNok signflz MAY 15, 2023 SAFE STAY ORDINANCE OPEN FOR COMMENT Tribal Council adopted the Safe Stay Ordinance on an emergency basis at the April 5, 2023, Tribal Council meeting. The Safe Stay Ordinance: 1) Establishes an ordinance that governs the temporary safe shelters, safe parking spaces, and any other build- ing, camper or cluster of buildings that provides shelter on a temporary basis; 2) Provides a process for when those safe shelters are aban- doned; and 3) Provides a process for eviction from those safe shelters. Tribal Council invites comments on the Safe Stay Ordinance. For a copyoftheordinance,pleasecontacttheTribalAttorney9sOïceat 503-879-4664. Please send your comments to the Tribal Attorney9s Of- oce,9615GrandRondeRoad,GrandRonde,OR97347orbye-mail to Comments must be received by May 31, 2023. þ 17 Elders fishing trip slated for May 23 The next Elders oshing trip will be held on Tuesday, May 23, accord- ing to Fish & Wildlife Committee Chairperson Harold Lyon. The Fish & Wildlife Committee in coordination with the Elder Com- mittee is currently working out the details 3 location, time, food and transportation.