sNok signflz MAY 15, 2023 11 Tribal member advocates for cradleboard acceptance By Danielle Harrison Smoke Signals assistant editor/staff writer Tribal member Valeria Atanacio has long wanted to see cradleboards become more accepted in child care settings, but was onding the lack of knowledge surrounding this tradi- tional practice frustrating. As the Tribal Affairs director for the Oregon Early Learning Divi- sion, she has encountered misun- derstandings from pediatricians and others when cradleboards were brought up in meetings regarding their use and relevance in child care settings, particularly in facilities op- erated by Tribes or those that serve Indigenous communities. So, she teamed up with Ai Binh Ho, a fellow with the American Council of Learned Societies who focuses on innovations in child care access at the Better Life Lab, to co-author an article discussing the beneots of cradleboard use in early learning environments. The two recently published their article in Early Learning Nation, an independent early learning magazine.