8 MAY 1, 2023 Smoke Signals Health & Wellness Center entrance Reminder: The drive-through entrance at the Health & Wellness Center is for loading and unloading only. The entrance was built with our Elders and those with mobility issues and their ease of access in mind. If you are coming to the center to pick up prescriptions, please park in one of our regular parking spaces. þ Introduction to Construction Training Ofering entry level skills training for individuals interested in construc}on careers. Receive over 40 hours of training including: ÷ ÷ ÷ OSHA 10 Cer}oca}on Basic First Aid / CPR Card Entry Level Equipment Opera}on: Skid Steer Manliv Telehandler Trainees will also be invited to engage with poten}al employers. Tui}on: $35004Waived for those who qualify. To receive addi}onal details, including registra}on informa}on complete the online form located at: htps://forms.oïce.com/r/ThrkzJkbKB *SCHEDULE: GENERAL INFORMATION: Mon.4Fri.; 8:00 a.m.45:00 p.m. June 549, 2023 Individuals must be at least 18 Years old to register and must be an enrolled tribal member of a federally recognized tribe @Knife River Training Center 35973 Kennel Rd. SE, Albany OR Tui}on support is provided through a Future Ready Oregon Grant via the Willamete Workforce Partnership. A complete Future Ready Oregon applica}on package will be required of all trainees who receive tui}on support. *Schedule may be subject to change due to registra}on or training connicts. Complete request for registra}on/ at: All trainees must have a valid drivers license, and comp/steel toed footwear4all other PPE will be provided. Consistent par}cipa}on during training is required. Any absence Willamete Workforce Partnership/Knife River Training Center is an equal opportunity program/employer. Language assistance is available to individuals with limited English proociency free of cost. Auxiliary aids or services are available upon request to individuals with disabili}es. Oregon Relay 1.800.735.2900 TRIBAL VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Contact us at (503) 879-1484 or via e-mail at CTGRTribalVSO@GrandRonde.Org Veterans! You may not need it now, but you could in the future. As a veteran who has served your country, you deserve to apply for these beneots and resources. You may think another veteran needs it more than you or you are taking resources from another veteran, but you are not. You may not want beneots, but having them can beneot your spouse and your family. Contact the Tribal Veterans Service Ofoce to ask questions, ond out more information or ole for a service-connected disability today! Ad by Samuel Briggs III Kotek 9 s decision about gambling has never changed GAMING continued from front page