Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, May 01, 2023, Page 7, Image 7

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    sNok signflz
MAY 1, 2023
Keizer City Council approves Chemawa Station development
<It9s really important
that we work together
amongst ourselves here
KEIZER 4 Several fast food
at council and also with
restaurants, a hotel, brewery and
other councils,= Lang-
gas station will be among some of
ley said. <I think it is
the newest tenants at Chemawa
a powerful statement.=
Station with construction potential-
The Tribes plan to
ly starting by late summer.
develop three fast-food
On Monday, April 17, the Keizer
restaurants, a coffee/
City Council voted to direct city
donut shop, sit-down
staff to prepare an order adopting
restaurant, brewery,
a proposed master plan amendment
retail space, quick lu-
for parcels of Chemawa Station, a
brication vehicle out-
retail development project jointly
let, convenience store
owned by the Grand Ronde and
with a gas station, car
Siletz Tribes.
wash, tire store and a
The development is located be-
92-room hotel.
tween Chemawa Road Northeast
<This is a historic
and the Keizer water tower, and
day,= said Keizer May-
the area which will be developed
or Cathy Clark after
is south of Ulali Drive, across from
the unanimous vote.
Chick-Fil-A and 7-Eleven.
In January 2020, the
Grand Ronde Tribal Council Sec-
Grand Ronde Tribal
retary Michael Langley attended
Council approved a
the Monday meeting and spoke
lease with 7-Eleven
about the project at the Legislative
Inc. to build a conve-
Action Committee meeting held the
Photo by Danielle Harrison
nience store at Che-
following day.
Several fast food restaurants, a hotel, brewery and gas station will be among some of the
mawa Station. In
<We presented our new plan last
newest tenants at Chemawa Station with construction potentially starting by late summer.
February 2021, the
night to the Keizer City Council
Keizer City Coun-
and I9m glad to report back that it
tower, and the area that will be developed is south of Ulali Drive, across from Chick-Fil-A and
cil unanimously ap-
was approved,= he said. <So that
7-Eleven. The retail development project is jointly owned by the Grand Ronde and Siletz Tribes. p r o v e d a p l a n f o r
(was) the onal impediment for us
Georgia-based fast
and now we9re going forward with
food restaurant chain
the next space in that project and
ants. And we met afterward with
oeld nearby.
Chick-fil-A to build its seventh
there's some really exciting ten-
a group that's planning a baseball
<One of our plans for the devel-
Oregon eatery at the site.
opment is a hotel and they were
The Federal Highway Adminis-
really excited to hear that because
tration transferred ownership of
that ots in with what they are going
the 15.7-acre Chemawa Station
to need. If they're bringing tourna-
property to the Grand Ronde and
ments from all over, they're going
The Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department has a nonemergency
Siletz Tribes under the Indian
to need some hotel space.=
text line at 541-921-2927.
Self-Determination Act in 2002.
Tribal consultant Alan Rood-
<If you have a nonemergency situation or question, feel free to contact
Ground was ofocially broken on the
house, who is working with the
my ofocer via text through this line,= said Grand Ronde Tribal Police
site in December 2019. þ
Tribes to develop the project, also
Chief Jake McKnight.
attended the City Council meeting
McKnight said that emergency situations still require calling 911.
Includes information
along with Siletz Tribal Chairwom-
from Keizer Times
For more information, contact McKnight at 503-879-1474. þ
an Delores Pigsley.
By Danielle Harrison
Smoke Signals assistant editor/staff writer
Tribal nonemergency text line
WED., MAY 10, 2023, 10 A.M. – 2 P.M.
Please join us in our Career Development Training
where we will be going over the fundamentals of
what to expect during a job interview and how
to prepare for your next career opportunity.
9615 Grand Ronde Road,
Grand Ronde, OR 97347
ESB Building C, Room 118.
Lunch will be provided for in-person attendees.
• How to create and structure your resume.
• Interview skills and tips.
• Understanding job descriptions.
• How to complete a job application.
To register please follow
the link or scan the QR
code below.
• Winning logo will be used on promotional materials and gifts for our 40th Restoration
• Entries should include: artwork, description, name, roll, phone number and email.
Tribal Council
Attn: RC40
9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347
• If interested please RSVP by May 9, 2023.
Deadline is Monday, May 15, at 5 P.M.
Please contact Shayla Myrick-Meyer at or
Jacob Boekhoff at or call 503-879-2188 for any
questions. If you need transportation to this event please contact Joanna Brisbois
at or call 503-879-2149.
• Organizers of the 2023 40th Restoration Celebration are holding a logo contest fo
Grand Ronde Tribal members and descendants.
Send submissions to or
• This will be a hybrid course held in person and via Zoom.
• This is open to all community members.
Winner will be announced June 1
• Prizes will be awarded for the top three submissions
• First place receives an Ikanum saddle blanket
Ad by Samuel Briggs III
Ad by Samuel Briggs III