6 MAY 1, 2023 SAFE STAY ORDINANCE OPEN FOR COMMENT Tribal Council adopted the Safe Stay Ordinance on an emergency basis at the April 5, 2023, Tribal Council meeting. The Safe Stay Ordinance: 1) Establishes an ordinance that governs the temporary safe shelters, safe parking spaces, and any other build- ing, camper or cluster of buildings that provides shelter on a temporary basis; 2) Provides a process for when those safe shelters are aban- doned; and 3) Provides a process for eviction from those safe shelters. Tribal Council invites comments on the Safe Stay Ordinance. For a copyoftheordinance,pleasecontacttheTribalAttorney9sOïceat 503-879-4664. Please send your comments to the Tribal Attorney9s Of- oce,9615GrandRondeRoad,GrandRonde,OR97347orbye-mail to legal@grandronde.org. Comments must be received by May 31, 2023. þ Advertisement Request for Proposals Engineering and Environmental Assessment Services The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde TUMWATA VILLAGE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 1 Proposal due 2 p.m. May 4, 2023 Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), the CONFEDERTAED TRIBES OF GRAND RONDE is seeking competitive proposals from qualioedandexperiencedindividualsorormsfortheprovisionofde- sign services for the construction of infrastructure and utility improve- ments at tumwata village site in Oregon City. The project is located at 419 Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. Questions or requests for clariocationshallbedirectedinwritingtotheProjectManager,Ryan Webb, via e-mail at Ryan.Webb@grandronde.org by 2 p.m., prevail- ing local time, Monday, May 1, 2023. Electronic copies of the RFP documents are available by e-mailing Ryan Webb at Ryan.Webb@grandronde.org or calling 503-879-2404. Respondents shall provide a written proposal by 2 p.m. Thursday, May 4, 2023, to Ryan Webb, Project Manager, at 9615 Grand Ronde Road,GrandRonde,OR97347.Speciocinformationregardingdocu- ment submittal procedures and due dates will be found in the RFP. þ GRAND RONDE COMMUNITY GATHERING Saturday May 6th, 2023 12:00pm-3:00pm Chachalu Cultural Center 8720 Grand Ronde Rd You are invited to come and learn about canoe journey and the paddle to Muckleshoot 2023. A meal will be served. Everyone is welcome. RSVP appreciated: Jordan Mercier 503-879-2185 CulturalEducation@grandronde.org Smoke Signals Earth Day Jam Photo by Michelle Alaimo Aliyana Strobel, 5, colors TO SEE MORE PHOTOS AND VIDEO as a cake walk takes place behind her during the Earth Day Jam held in the Tribal @SmokeSignalsCTGR @ctgrsmokesignals @SmokeSignalsCTGR gym on Friday, April 21. The kush lamatsin (Good Medicine) event that celebrated Earth Day was sponsored by the Tribe9s Health & Wellness Center. There was traditional singing and dancing, raffle prizes, a cake walk, coloring station and dinner. ENROLLMENT ORDINANCE OPEN FOR COMMENT Tribal Council adopted amendments to the Enrollment Ordinance on an emergency basis at the April 19, 2023, Tribal Council meeting. The amendments to the Enrollment Ordinance will: (1) Remove the previouslossofmembershipmoratorium;(2)Limitinvoluntarylossof membership to fraud and dual enrollment; (3) Remove the language regarding loss of membership for failure to meet enrollment criteria; (4) Provideadeonitionoffraud;and(5)Otherminorandtechnicalchanges. Tribal Council invites comments on the amendments to the Enroll- ment Ordinance. For a copy of the ordinance, please contact the Tribal Attorney9sOïceat503-879-4664.Pleasesendyourcommentstothe TribalAttorney9sOïce,9615GrandRondeRoad,GrandRonde,OR 97347 or by e-mail to legal@grandronde.org. Comments must be received by May 31, 2023. þ SAVE THE DATE Wellness Canoe Naming Ceremony FAMILIES ARE INVITED TO JOIN US AS WE NAME OUR WELLNESS CANOE AND CELEBRATE HEALING IN THE COMMUNITY MAY SATURDAY 20 AT 2PM 2023 DOORS OPEN AT 2PM FEAST AT 5PM DANCING TO FOLLOW DINNER ACHAF-HAMMI (PLANKHOUSE)