2 MAY 1, 2023 Smoke Signals General Council meeting 11 a.m. Sunday, May 7 Tribal Council Chambers Tribal members can participate remotely through the Zoom application and in-person attendance. Call 503-879-2304 for more information. NOTICE — Monthly Tribal Council Wednesday Meetings DATE TIME Wednesday, May 3...............................................................................4 p.m. Wednesday, May 17.............................................................................4 p.m. Please note that these times and dates are subject to change if needed. In-person attendance in Tribal Council Chambers and via the Zoom application. 503-879-2304. Letter s sNok signflz PUBLICATIONS OFFICE 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 1-800-422-0232, FAX: 503-879-2173 Website: www.smokesignals.org E-mail: news@grandronde.org E-mail: Editorial.Board@grandronde.org Twitter: CTGRSmokeSignal www.facebook.com/SmokeSignalsCTGR/ www.youtube.com/c/SmokeSignalsChannel DANIELLE HARRISON SAMUEL F. BRIGGS III ASSISTANT EDITOR/ STAFF WRITER 503-879-4663 GRAPHIC DESIGN SPECIALIST 503-879-1416 DEAN RHODES Dear Smoke Signals: I was greatly saddened to see that the beautiful tree I donated to our local Tribal Police Department was cut down and replaced with an ugly storage unit. Whose bright idea was this? This tree has been there for seven years and was just over two feet tall when I donated it. It was well over 10 feet tall and was healthy. This totally broke my heart and I9m crying as I write this letter to you. The ugly storage unit couldn9t go somewhere else? Veronica Gaston Roll No. 2332 EDITOR/ PUBLICATIONS COORDINATOR 503-879-1463 dean.rhodes@grandronde.org danielle.frost@grandronde.org KAMIAH KOCH JUSTIN PHILLIPS MICHELLE ALAIMO SOCIAL MEDIA/ DIGITAL JOURNALIST 503-879-1461 PAGE DESIGNER 503-879-2190 PHOTOJOURNALIST 503-879-1961 We want to hear from you! The Grand Ronde Health & Wellness Center Comment Box is located at the entrance of the Health & Wellness Center, next to the drinking fountain. Share your experience, good or bad with us! þ michelle.alaimo@grandronde.org justin.phillips@grandronde.org kamiah.koch@grandronde.org DEADLINE DATE KATHERINE WARREN- STEFFENSMIER PUBLICATIONS SECRETARY Dear Smoke Signals: April 7 would have been my brother Steve Bobb9s 74th birthday. Steve was two months old when our mother, Fae White, was killed in a car wreck. I went to see Steve in his last days and he was in extreme pain. I held his hand and told him that I loved him. He said,