14 MAY 1, 2023 Smoke Signals Deegan Duane Bobb Stick game night 1:43 p.m. March 9, 2023 8 lbs 3 oz 18.5 inches Parents: Logan Bobb and Chalise Mason Grandparents: Cory Bobb and Sandy Bobb Great-grandparents: Steve and Connie Bobb TS Photos by Michelle Alaimo OFFICE TRIBAL EM YMENT RIG H P LO INTRODUCTION TO GRADE READING SAT., JUNE 3, 2023, 8 A.M - 5 P.M. Tribal member Dorothy TO SEE MORE PHOTOS AND VIDEO Anderson reveals the female, or unmarked, @SmokeSignalsCTGR @ctgrsmokesignals @SmokeSignalsCTGR bone after the opposing team guessed it was in her left hand while playing a game of itukuma during Community Stick Game Night at Chachalu Tribal Museum & Cultural Center on Wednesday, April 26. WHAT IS GRADE SHOOTING? Shooting grade is the process of testing the elevation of a construction project in order to level or slope it. Shooting grade properly is critical to every facet of construction including excavation, pipe laying, and forming footers and foundations. Where? 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 ESB Building C Free training and lunch will be provided. • Understanding grade reading. • Why shooting grade is important. • What tools you will use to shoot grade. To register please follow the link or scan the QR code below. https://weblink.grandronde. org/Forms/TERO-Training- Registration This will be a one-day introductory course open to all Tribal members or Tribal descendants 16 years and older. For more information please contact: Jacob.boekhoff@grandronde.org or call 503-879-2146 Ad by Samuel Briggs III Community Shred Event Monday, May 22 " Noon 3 1 P.M. Grand Ronde Recycling Depot (On Tyee Road near Tribal Housing) Tribal member Fabian Quenelle attempts to distract the guesser on the opposing team while playing a game of itukuma during Community Stick Game Night at Chachalu Tribal Museum & Cultural Center on Wednesday, April 26. On the left in the background, Tribal Elder Arlettia Krehbiel hides the bones waiting to be picked. Quenelle taught the game to about 50 people in attendance and hopes to hold more game nights and bring the game back to the community. cultural education Free " Open to the Public " Drive-thru A re you missing out on what Cultural Not just for conodential documents: Education has to offer? Follow us on Facebook to get detailed class information, photos from events, and updates. " File folders " Old tax documents " Junk mail " Magazines " Newspapers " Photos & Negatives Plus, check out the tribal calendar for a quick glance of upcoming events and classes. " Books (no hardcovers)" No 3-ring binders Open to Tribal and Community members. " Limited plastic & metal " Paper clips & staples OK. Join us! Search Facebook for Grand Ronde Cultrual Education Tribal Calendar // www.grandronde.org/tribal-calendar Ad by Samuel Briggs III