sNok signflz MAY 1, 2023 Blanket farewells Three constitutional amendment proposals adopted since 1983 ENROLLMENT continued from page 10 Photo by Michelle Alaimo Tribal Council member Jon A. George goes to hug Amber Mercier, left, Tribal Youth Prevention manager, after she and Julie Singer, Tribal Social Security/Disability consultant, were gifted blankets in the Tribal Community Center on Tuesday, April 25. Mercier is leaving the Tribe after 21 years of service to work closer to home and with preschoolers, and Singer is retiring after 19 years with the Tribe. 11 able to show their knowledge of their Tribe, the risk gets higher for some outside group to make that decision for us and go down the road of Ter- mination again.= Langley said he thinks the end- game will be either a 4/4 or lineal descent proposal, but no matter what, the Tribe must correct its enrollment oles in case either pro- posal fails.