sNok signflz APRIL 15, 2023 Transportation plan considering additional walking, biking options The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde is updating its long range transportation plan with everything on the table for discussion 3 roads, highways, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, intersections, crossings, transit, safety and road repair. Public Works and Tribal Transportation Manager John Mercier said a portion of the transportation planning effort includes identifying future transportation improvement projects to encourage people to walk, bike, take public transportation or use other non-motorized ways to get around Grand Ronde. The Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development is helping to fund the project with a Rural Transportation Equity grant that supports smaller, rural communities throughout Oregon in identifying transportation options for those who have limitations and experience bar- riers that make it challenging to access community resources, employment centers and critical services. The community is being asked to provide feedback, insights and advice on where they would like better walking and biking connections in a sur- vey available on the Tribal government9s website,