6 APRIL 15, 2023 Smoke Signals Advertisement Request for Proposals Engineering and Environmental Assessment Services The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde TUMWATA VILLAGE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 1 Proposal due 2 p.m. May 4, 2023 Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), the CONFEDERTAED TRIBESOFGRANDRONDEisseekingcompetitiveproposalsfrom qualioedandexperiencedindividualsorormsfortheprovisionofde- sign services for the construction of infrastructure and utility improve- ments at tumwata village site in Oregon City. The project is located at 419 Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon. Questions or requests for clariocationshallbedirectedinwritingtotheProjectManager,Ryan Webb, via e-mail at Ryan.Webb@grandronde.org by 2 p.m., prevail- ing local time, Monday, May 1, 2023. Electronic copies of the RFP documents are available by e-mailing Ryan Webb at Ryan.Webb@grandronde.org or calling 503-879-2404. Respondents shall provide a written proposal by 2 p.m. Thursday, MAY 4, 2023, to Ryan Webb, Project Manager, at 9615 Grand Ronde Road,GrandRonde,OR97347.Speciocinformationregardingdocu- ment submittal procedures and due dates will be found in the RFP. þ Meetings will be held in a hybrid format on Zoom and in-person ENROLLMENT continued from front page