Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, April 15, 2023, Page 5, Image 5

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    sNok signflz
APRIL 15, 2023
Tribal Council approves purchase of local property
"Approved ove contracts
for Tribal conserva-
tion property grants for
Tribal Council approved purchas-
$300,000 (Chahalpam),
ing the 1.49-acre Black property,
$120,000 (Rattlesnake
located on A Ackerson Road in
Butte), $530,000 (Noble
Grand Ronde, at its Wednesday,
Oaks), $375,000 (Takilth)
April 5, meeting.
and $149,864 (Elk Mead-
The Black property is south of
the Health & Wellness Center on
"Approved a $600,000
the Tribal campus and will be pur-
non-competitive contin-
chased for $670,000, with a closing
uation grant through the
date of Friday, April 21.
Department of Justice Of-
<The property will be managed
oce on Violence Against
by the Health & Wellness Depart-
Women Tribal Govern-
ment and is located between the
ment Program grant to
domestic violence shelters and the
continue domestic vio-
clinic,= Tribal Lands Department
lence prevention services
Manager Jan Reibach said during
through the Tribe9s War-
a Legislative Action Committee
The Tribe has entered into a purchase-and-sale agreement for the Black property at
riors of Hope program;
meeting held on Tuesday, April
"Approved the Tribe9s
4. <The property will now be fully
28540 A Ackerson Road (aka 9499 Grand Ronde Road) and 28560 A Ackerson Road in
application to the state
funded by an external grant from
Grand Ronde.
Department of Forestry
the state under Project Turnkey.
will now be funded by a grant pro-
for $9,859.77 as a part of the
mental budget of $782,000 during
& We hope to have the property
cessed through Health & Wellness.
2023 Volunteer Fire Assistance
its March 22 meeting to purchase
in Tribal ownership by the end of
In other action, Tribal Council:
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
the property. The $782,000 was the
the month.=
" Approved the emergency adop-
grant funding;
original purchase price, but it was
Project Turnkey is managed by
tion of a new Safe Stay Ordinance
" And approved the Tribe9s grant
negotiated down to $670,000.
the Oregon Community Foundation
that will govern the temporary
application to the National Park
A supplemental budget gives
in Portland and was created by the
tiny home shelters, parking spac-
Service for the Tribal Historic
the authority to spend the money,
state Legislature in November 2020
es and any other building, camper
Preservation Ofoce senior arche-
but it doesn9t have to be used if it
in response to rising homelessness
ologist position in the amount of
is not needed, Finance Ofocer and
and to provide temporary housing
vide shelter on a temporary basis
$103,124 this year. The grant
Interim General Manager Chris
for people, according to an article
and provides a process for when
runs through 2028.
Leno said.
in the Oregon Capitol Chronicle.
the safe shelters are abandoned
Tribal Council also approved a
Reibach added that all costs asso-
Legislators budgeted an additional
or if eviction is necessary. Since
resolution removing Tribal Council
ciated with the purchase, including
$50 million for the program in 2022.
it was adopted on an emergency
Chief of Staff Stacia Hernandez as
earnest money and due diligence,
Tribal Council approved a supple-
basis, the ordinance goes into
manager of Upqwena LLC and ap-
effect immediately, but Trib-
pointing outgoing Spirit Mountain
al members will be afforded a
Casino Interim Chief Executive
chance to comment on it before
Ofocer Bruce Thomas in her place.
it returns to Tribal Council for
Upqwena was established in 2021
The Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department has a nonemergency
formal adoption;
to oversee the Tribe investing in
text line at 541-921-2927.
" Approved the Oregon Youth
small businesses and companies.
<If you have a nonemergency situation or question, feel free to con-
Corps grant to the Tribe for
To watch the entire meeting, visit
tact my ofocer via text through this line,= said Grand Ronde Tribal
$47,500, which the Tribe receives
the Tribal government9s website
Police Chief Jake McKnight. <When one of my ofocers receives the
annually to fund the summer
at and click
text, they will call you back when they have time.=
youth crews at the Natural Re-
on the Government tab and then
McKnight said that emergency situations still require calling 911.
sources Department;
Videos. þ
For more information, contact McKnight at 503-879-1474. þ
By Danielle Harrison
Smoke Signals assistant editor/staff writer
Tribal nonemergency text line
DEADLINE: MAY 5, 2023 @ 3:00
First 20 logo submissions will receive a $25.00 gift
card. Winner will receive $100.00 gift card and
VR PROGRAM bragging rights.
• Organizers of the 2023 40th Restoration Celebration are holding a logo contest fo
Grand Ronde Tribal members and descendants.
• Winning logo will be used on promotional materials and gifts for our 40th Restoration
• Entries should include: artwork, description, name, roll, phone number and email.
Send submissions to or
The Parameters Include: Incorporating a Red-Headed Woodpecker (With A Preference Of
Traditional Art/Design), Keeping The Design Within A Circle no wider than 7 ½ inches
This contest is open to all Tribal Members, Descendants and Community Members of Grand
This contest will run from April 15 th until May 5 th .
Winner will be announced in the May 15 th issue of Smoke Signals
All entries must include: Original Artwork, Name, Phone Number & Email
QUESTIONS: Contact Tara Summers @ 503-879-1481 Email: or
call Tawnie Kimsey @ 503-879-2165
Tribal Council
Attn: RC40
9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347
Deadline is Monday, May 15, at 5 P.M.
Winner will be announced June 1
• Prizes will be awarded for the top three submissions
• First place receives an Ikanum saddle blanket
Ad by Samuel Briggs III