Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, April 15, 2023, Page 13, Image 13

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APRIL 15, 2023
Cultural Resources staff serve as Archaeology Conference hosts
By Danielle Harrison
Smoke Signals assistant editor/staff writer
PORTLAND 4 The Grand Ronde
Cultural Resources Department
was well-represented during the So-
ciety for American Archaeology Con-
ference, where they served as the
Tribal hosts of place for the event,
held Wednesday, March 29, through
Sunday, April 2, and attended by
approximately 3,700 archaeologists
from across the country.
<I am writing to you all wanting
to share the meaningful contribu-
tions and accomplishments that
Cultural Resources staff had at the
conference,= Cultural Resources
Department Manager David Har-
relson said in a staff e-mail. <When
our work takes us away from the
Tribe sometimes successes are not
as easy to see. In that spirit I want
to share with you all a bit about the
conference and the contributions
Cultural Resources staff made.=
He noted that staff members
provided or contributed to six pre-
sentation sessions, three posters
and two informational tables.
<Our partners presented work
done in partnership with the Tribe
in seven additional sessions and
one poster session,= Harrelson said.
<Other noteworthy engagement
with the conference (was) the Grand
Ronde Tribe providing a welcome by
Contributed photo by David Harrelson
Tribal Cultural Protection Specialist Dustin Hawks, left, and Archaeologist
Jeremy Johnson answer questions about the use of drones and scanned 3D
objects for accurate and efficient recording of buildings and belongings
during the recent Society for American Archaeology Conference held in
Portland. Grand Ronde Cultural Resources staff members served as the
Tribal hosts of place for the event that was attended by approximately 3,700
archaeologists from across the country.
(Tribal Council member) Jon George
at the opening plenary align(ed)
with Grand Ronde singers.=
The presentation topics includ-
ed, <Doing Archaeology in a Good
Way: Renections With and From
Grand Ronde,= <It9s All About
Context: How Culturally Informed
Landscape Understandings Ex-
Internet service aid available
Any household with an individual receiving Supplemental Security
Income is eligible to receive discounted Internet service through the
Affordable Connectivity Program recently launched by the Federal Com-
munications Commission. Social Security does not count Affordable Con-
nectivity Program assistance as income or a resource for SSI purposes.
The program provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward Inter-
net service for eligible households and $75 per month for households on
qualifying Tribal lands. Eligible households also can receive a one-time
discount of up to $100 toward purchasing a laptop, desktop computer or
tablet from participating providers.
To enroll in the Connectivity Program, go to þ
pand Knowledge of Archaeological
Site Interpretation,= <Does That
Belong in a Museum? Conceptual-
izing Western Oregon Stone Bowls
as Potential Funerary Objects,=
<Heritage Sites at the Intersection
of Landscape, Memory and Place:
Archaeology, Heritage Commemo-
ration, and Practice,= <Community
Outreach in Cultural Preservation=
and <Fires Everywhere: Reviewing
the Cultural Resource Response to
the 2020 Oregon Wildores.=
Harrelson said that some of these
topics will be part of the upcoming
2023 Tribal History & Culture
Summit in October.
<The conference was nearly an
all hands on deck commitment for
the department and I personally
witnessed how our Tribe modeled
what representation from Indian
Country can look like in a profes-
sional society,= Harrelson said.
<Our Tribe has set the bar for
engagement and contribution, and
I see this continuing as the confer-
ence moves to other cities in future
years. This level of engagement
and participation has been over 10
years in the making and represents
a gradualism approach to influ-
encing change within a profession
that has a history of extraction and
marginalization when it comes to
Indigenous communities.=
During his welcome speech,
George said, <Your job, profes-
sion and artifacts are our lives,= a
statement that Harrelson said was
repeated in multiple presentations
over the next few days. He added
that a Tribal welcome was a orst
for the society.
Additionally, Cultural Resources
staff also led a tour for 30 confer-
ence attendees to Willamette Falls,
Champoeg State Park and Chachalu
Tribal Museum & Cultural Center
in Grand Ronde. They also helped
organize and host the Native Amer-
ican reception at Portland State
University9s Native Student Cen-
ter, which included more than 250
attendees with a meal sponsored
by the Grand Ronde Tribal Council.
Cultural Resources staff who
participated in the event include
Harrelson, Historic Preservation
Manager Briece Edwards, Cultur-
al Policy Analyst Greg Archuleta,
Cultural Education Specialist
Chris Rempel, Cultural Protection
Coordinator Cheryle Pouley, Se-
nior Archaeologist Michael Lewis,
Cultural Protection Specialist
Chris Bailey, Visitor Services Pro-
gram employee Dakota Zimmer,
Cultural Protection Specialist
Dustin Hawks and Chachalu Reg-
istrar Stephanie Craig. þ
Community Shred Event
Monday, May 22 " Noon 3 1 P.M.
Grand Ronde Recycling Depot
Free " Open to the Public " Drive-thru
Not just for conodential documents:
" File folders " Old tax documents " Junk mail
" Magazines " Newspapers " Photos & Negatives
Portland Office Food Distribution
" Books (no hardcovers)" No 3-ring binders
" Limited plastic & metal " Paper clips & staples OK.
Thursday, April 27
10:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.
Great Circle Recovery back parking lot.
3580 S.E. 82nd Ave.,
Portland, OR 97266
Ad by Samuel Briggs III
Ad by Samuel Briggs III