PRESORTED STANDARD MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID PORTLAND, OR PERMIT NO. 700 Spring Carnival photos 4 pg. 9 april 15, 2023 Scrambling for treats Enrollment pause ends before it begins By Danielle Harrison Smoke Signals assistant editor/staff writer T Photo by Michelle Alaimo Frankie Hostler, 2, is handed an egg by her cousin and Tribal member Aleah Patterson as Frankie collects eggs during the Tribal Housing Department Easter Egg Hunt held on Saturday, April 8. Children in four age categories hunted for about 2,000 stuffed plastic eggs. See more photos on page 12. General Council briefed on fentanyl dangers and awareness efforts By Danielle Harrison Smoke Signals assistant editor/staff writer E UGENE 4 Health Services Executive Director Kelly Rowe briefed Tribal members on the dangers of fentanyl and efforts the Tribe is undertaking to combat the deadly drug during a Sunday, April 2, General Council hybrid meeting held via the Zoom video conferencing ap- plication and in the Lane Community College Longhouse.