18 APRIL 1, 2023 Smoke Signals ELDERS NEED COMPUTER HELP? ELDERS NEED COMPUTER HELP? We have a group that will come in and work you one-on-one. We have a with group that will come in and work with your you one-on-one. We ask you bring own device so they can work your with own you on it. so they can We ask you bring device work after with you on it. of the year. Classes will start the first Classes after the first of the year. If you will are start interested, please contact If you Criss-Lawson are interested, please contact Kristy @ 503-879-2018. Kristy Criss-Lawson 503-879-2018. *If transportation is an @ issue, please let us *If transportation is an calling. issue, please let us know upon know upon calling. Grand Ronde Head Start Preschool Apply star}ng : April 03, 2023 Applica}ons due by : June 2, 2023 Head Start nurtures the growth of you and your child. Join our suppor}ve community and give your child a strong head start. For Kids: For Parents: ÷ Safe, quality early educa}on ÷ Connec}on to housing resources ÷ Qualioed teachers ÷ Employment assistance ÷ Healthy meals ÷ Parent training & support ÷ Cultural opportuni}es ÷ ÷ Transporta}on may be available Enrollment opportuni}es for pregnant women ÷ Enrollment opportuni}es for all incomes ÷ Resources for children with disabili}es The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and the American Museum of Natural History are now Accepting youth applications to participate in our Annual Tamanowas Ceremony and Museum Internship Program. APPLY/ Open to High School youth that Enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Current Sophomore, Junior, or Senior in High School G.P.A. of 2.5 or above WAYS TO APPLY: Oregon Resident ONLINE at : htps://www.grandronde.org/services/educa}on/early-childhood-educa}on/ Email dawn.doar@grandronde.org for an applica}on Application Deadline/ Or Scan QR Code: Enrolling ages birth to 4 To Learn More: dawn.doar @grandronde.org 503-879-1434 Application is available online/ For more information contact/ Cristina Lara cristina.lara@grandronde.org