6 MARCH 1, 2023 Smoke Signals Round Dance is a ceremony first and foremost ROUND DANCE continued from front page Head staff for this year9s Round Dance will be Tribal member and Cultural Resource9s Cultural Advisor Bobby Mercier as pipe- man, Chase Sayer as stickman and Devon Bellerose as master of ceremonies. As many as 18 guest singers have been invited. The event is hosted by the Con- federated Tribes of Grand Ronde and its Youth Empowerment & Prevention Program. The orst Agency Creek Round Dance was held in April 2003 and subsequently held annually until the pandemic forced the cancellation of the event in 2020, 921 and 922. The event is an opportunity for Tribal members to dance with their ancestors as they join hands and circle around drummers throughout the evening and early into the next morning. The event, which also is a cele- bration of sobriety and communi- ty health and wellness, regularly attracts 400 to 500 attendees. Most importantly, organizers want people to know the Round Dance is a ceremony first and foremost.