12 JANUARY 1, 2023 Smoke Signals NATIVE AMERICAN WATCHLIST Watchlist: 8Cahokia’s Celestial Calendar (Woodhenge)9 (Editor9s note: It is estimated that there are approximately 149 billion videos on YouTube, and the number continues to grow. Grand Ronde Tribal member and Social Media/Digital Journalist Kamiah Koch sifts through those myriad videos twice a month to recommend a worthwhile Indigenous video to watch. Follow her bimonthly recommendations and enjoy!) By Kamiah Koch Social media/digital journalist In the Dec. 15, 2022, Watchlist, we looked at the origin stories told during the winter solstice on Dec. 21. Dec. 21 is the day of the year with the least amount of daylight in the northern hemisphere and is an important time of year for many Tribes. Ever wonder how Tribes knew when a solstice would occur? The answer to that question is found in a PBS video published four years ago. PBS runs a series called