16 NOVEMBER 15, 2022 NATIVE AMERICAN WATCHLIST Watchlist: ‘Welcome to Native American Heritage Month 2021’ (Editor’s note: It is estimated that there are approximately 149 billion videos on YouTube, and the number continues to grow. Grand Ronde Tribal member and Social Media/Digital Journalist Kamiah Koch sifts through those myriad videos twice a month to recommend a worthwhile Indigenous video to watch. Follow her bimonthly recommendations and enjoy!) Smoke Signals White House slates Tribal Nations Summit WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Biden White House will hold its second Tribal Nations Summit on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 at the Department of the Interior. The event will build on the 2021 summit and the progress made to strengthen nation-to-nation relationships and invest record levels of re- sources to Tribal communities, the White House said. The summit will feature new administration announcements and efforts to implement key policy initiatives supporting Tribal communities. It also provides an opportunity for Tribal leaders to engage directly with officials in the highest levels of the administration. Started by the Obama administration, the Tribal Nations Summit was not held during the four years of the Trump administration.  "We don't have to do it all alone. We were never meant to." -Brene Brown By Kamiah Koch Social media/digital journalist To honor Native American Heritage Month in 2021, the Sa- lem-Keizer School District posted a video to its YouTube channel with a Grand Ronde focus. Salem-Keizer School District Superintendent Christy Perry and Native Education Program Associate Shelby Maerz begin the video by introducing what Native American Heritage Month is in front of Grand Ronde’s Chachalu Museum. “This month we are honoring the unique heritage and culture of the Native American community,” Perry says. “Our district serves more than 1,800 students who identify as American Indian/Alaskan Native, and they represent more than 65 Tribes.” Perry shares that the school district has a Native American Ed- ucation Program that supports almost 700 families with learning resources. The video then switches to Grand Ronde Tribal member Seq’hiya Simmons sharing a land acknowledgment. “Land acknowledgments are a way to resist erasure of Indigenous people and the land that we all live and learn on,” Simmons begins. Simmon’s father, Grand Ronde Tribal member Kevin Simmons, also shares a blessing in Chinuk Wawa and in English. “The importance of a blessing – the importance of starting out this way – is it provides us with an opportunity to align our hearts, our minds and our spirits in the true value of Indigenous education,” Kevin Simmons says. Toward the end of the video, more Grand Ronde Tribal members join to sing a song as a way to welcome the school district, its em- ployees and its students on to ancestral Tribal lands. You can watch the entire video for yourself at www.youtube.com/ watch?v=mAAPjRdjgSk or find it linked in the Watchlist playlist on the Smoke Signals YouTube channel.  Mental Health Texts iLAUNCH presents ! On Fridays you will receive a message about mental health, a social emotional tip or a simple quote or message of encouragement. Text JOIN to (971) 318-3459 Veterans, do you want to file for a service-connected disability? This is all you need (the 3 legged-stool): Link between the In-Service Event and Current Diagnosis To file a successful claim for service-connection