14 OCTOBER 15, 2022 Smoke Signals NATIVE AMERICAN WATCHLIST Watchlist: ‘Can Americans celebrate Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples Day? ’ (Editor’s note: It is estimated that there are approximately 149 billion videos on YouTube, and the number continues to grow. Grand Ronde Tribal member and Social Media/Digital Journalist Kamiah Koch sifts through those myriad videos twice a month to recommend a worthwhile Indigenous video to watch. Follow her bimonthly recommendations and enjoy!) Veterans, do you want to file for a service-connected disability? This is all you need (the 3 legged-stool): By Kamiah Koch To file a successful claim for service-connection Social media/digital journalist Link between the In-Service Event and Current Diagnosis Columbus Day is still a federal holiday celebrated the second Mon- day in October to mark the anniversary of Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas in 1492. However, President Joe Biden proclaimed the day as Indigenous Peoples Day in 2021. ABC News shared a feature on Monday, Oct. 10, recognizing In- digenous Peoples Day as a day “celebrating the contributions of In- digenous people and recognizing the commitment to Tribal nations.” To discuss the newly celebrated holiday, ABC interviewed Susan Faircloth, an enrolled member of the Coharie Tribe of North Carolina and director of the School of Education at Colorado State University. In the first minute of the four-minute interview she is asked if it is possible to celebrate both Indigenous Peoples Day as well as Columbus Day. “As an Indigenous person, it is difficult to honor and celebrate a day that was established in honor of someone whose arrival led to the taking of land, life, liberty and culture,” Faircloth says. Faircloth says there are a variety of ways Americans can celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day. She says many universities celebrate with Native faculty and students gathering on campuses to discuss Native cultures and issues. As an education professor, she recommends opportunities for teach-ins, and bringing Native literature and Indigenous speakers into classrooms to learn more about Indigenous people. “I would argue one day is not enough when we think about the wide variety of diversity of American Indian/Native American peoples across the nation with there being more than 600 different state and federally recognized Tribes,” Faircloth says. “We should think about ways we can incorporate Native Indigenous histories and teachings throughout the year and not limit it to one day.” The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde began recognizing Indig- enous Peoples Day as an official Tribal holiday in 2015. To watch the entire interview with Faircloth, you can go to www. youtube.com/watch?v=YUVdcDYtRBs or find it linked in the Smoke Signals “Watchlist playlist” on our YouTube channel.  Parent Connections I am pleased to announce we can gather once again! Please join us biweekly in this parent connection group. cultural education  A re you missing out on what Cultural Education has to offer? Follow us on Facebook to get detailed class information, photos from events, and updates.  Healthy Conversations around parent/child connections Monthly topics with open discussion encouraged  Professionals invited  Beading/ cultural connections  Judgement-free space Location: Plus, check out the tribal calendar for a quick glance of upcoming events and classes. Open to Tribal and Community members. Join us! Thursday, Oct. 6 Thursday, Oct. 20 Light lunch will be provided Thursday, Nov. 3 Search Facebook for Grand Ronde Cultrual Education Tribal Calendar // www.grandronde.org/tribal-calendar For more information on this series please contact one of our family partners: Audra.Sherwood@grandronde.org 503-879-2069 Lyndsey.Stuckey@grandronde.org 503-879-2095 Chyanne.Schlappie@grandronde.org 503-879-1496