SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 RABBI TRUST FUND AND MINORS’ CUSTODIAL TRUST FUND This announcement is to inform you of the upcoming election op- portunity to recommend an investment option that best suits your tolerance for investment risk. The election deadline is Sept. 24, 2022, and the investment period will be effective from Oct. 1, 2022, until modified. Recognizing that each Tribal member’s tolerance for investment risk may be different, parents of minor members age 17 or young- er having balances in the Rabbi Trust Fund and Minors’ Custodial Trust Fund, or members age 18 or older can recommend that these funds be invested in one of five possible investment options. Please e-mail or call 503-879- 2215 to receive your Investment Risk Assessment Recommenda- tion Form. This is optional and open only to those who participate in the Rabbi and Minors’ Custodial Trust Funds. FISH AND WILDLIFE ORDINANCE OPEN FOR COMMENT Tribal Council is considering amendments to the Fish and Wild- life Ordinance. The proposed amendments were given a Second Reading at the Aug. 10, 2022, Tribal Council meeting. The Fish and Wildlife Ordinance has not been updated since 2015. The proposed amendments went out for First Reading on April 6, 2022. Comments were received on or about May 6, 2022. After a Work Session with Tribal Council and Natural Resources staff, additional revisions were made to address the comments received. Tribal Council asked that the proposed revisions to the Ordinance go out for a Second Reading. The proposed amend- ments reflect updates to the ceremonial hunting and fishing program, limit the number of transfer tags that are available to Tribal members to five (5) per year, provide for a mentored youth hunting program, suspend the ability to receive a hunting tag if a Tribal member fails to turn in their tag from the previous season, and make other minor and technical changes. Tribal Council invites comments on the proposed amendments to the Fish and Wildlife Ordinance. For a copy of the proposed amendments, contact the Tribal Attorney’s Office at 503-879-4664. Please send your comments to the Tribal Attorney’s Office, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR, 97347 or by e-mail to Comments must be received by Oct. 1, 2022. Smoke Signals TERO Worker of the Month August 2022 Name: True Rimer Employer: Dalke Construction Position: Excavation laborer True Rimer first applied to the TERO program in August 2018 and was dispatched to Seabold Construction on the casino-lodge remodel project. Since then, he has worked on many Tribal projects where he has proven to be very dependable. Currently, True is working for Dalke Construction on the Spirit Mountain Casino RV park project where he is True Rimer learning many new skills, such as exca- vation, laying pipe and operating heavy equipment. True’s hard work and willingness to learn new tasks in different trades has earned him the August TERO Worker of the Month honor. True has participated in many of the trainings that TERO has offered and says he is very thankful for the TERO program. True says that TERO has also helped him find a great company that employs good people and has given him many opportunities to learn new skills. Great job, True. For more information on the TERO Skills Bank and any other TERO opportunities, contact the TERO office or the TERO director. TERO Office: 503-879-1488 or Veterans, do you want to file for a service-connected disability? This is all you need (the 3 legged-stool): To file a successful claim for service-connection At 25500 SW Grand Ronde Rd. Grand Ronde, OR 97347 ~ The “Q” Building Link between the In-Service Event and Current Diagnosis 12