8 JUNE 1, 2022 Smoke Signals Grand Ronde Boarding School closed in 1908 SCHOOL continued from front page religious institutions and organiza- tions in participating in the Indian boarding school system and how they were often paid on a per pupil basis to “civilize” Native American youth out of the Civilization Fund that was allocated federal funding from 1819 through 1873. “The Grand Ronde School, which was day-only in the beginning, func- tioned on the Grand Ronde Agency beginning in the 1860s or 1870s,” the boarding school list states. “For much of its existence, it was run in cooperation with the Catholic Church. Location is approximate and is at Grand Ronde sub-agency.” The Grand Ronde Boarding School closed in 1908. The eight other Indian boarding schools identified in Oregon included the Forest Grove Indian Training School (1880-85), which became Che- mawa Indian School (1885-present) in Salem; the Kate Drexel Indus- trial Boarding School (1847-1929) in Pendleton; the Klamath Agency Boarding School (1874-1927) in Chil- oquin; the Siletz Boarding School (1873-1919) in Siletz; the Simnasho Boarding and Day School (1882-96) in Simnasho; the Umatilla Boarding and Day School (1883-1918) in Pend- leton; the Warm Springs Boarding and Day School (1884-1951) in Warm Springs; and the Yainax Indian Boarding School (1882-1916) in Be- atty, which is located northeast of Klamath Falls. Federal Indian boarding school policies resulted in the twin goals of cultural assimilation and terri- torial dispossession of Indigenous peoples through the forced removal and relocation of Tribal children, an Interior news release says. Through treaties and other agree- ments, Tribes ceded approximately 1 billion acres to the United States in exchange for such things as health care and education. In addition to compiling a list of Indian boarding schools, the inves- Smoke Signals file photo According to a list of Indian boarding schools compiled by the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Grand Ronde Boarding School opened in 1862 and closed in 1908. For much of its existence, it was run in conjunction with the Catholic Church. It was still in operation when this photo of the Grand Ronde Agency was taken around 1890. is my priority to not only give voice to the survivors and descendants of federal Indian boarding school policies, but also to address the lasting legacies of these policies so Indigenous peoples can continue to grow and heal.” Haaland said the Department of the Interior will launch a year-long “Road to Healing” tour that will include stops across the country to allow American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian sur- vivors of the federal Indian board- ing school system to share their stories, help connect communities with trauma-informed support and collect a permanent oral history. According to the Department of the Interior, “There is ample evidence in federal records demon- strating that the United States co- erced, induced or compelled Indian children to enter the federal Indian boarding school system.” The investigative report high- lights some of the harsh conditions that children endured in the board- ing schools, which used systematic militarized and identity-alteration methods in an attempt to assimilate Native American youths. Children were given English names, forced to have their hair cut, discouraged or prevented from using their Native languages or practicing their reli- gions or cultural customs, and were organized into units to perform SEE MORE OF THIS STORY CTGRsmokesignals tigation also identified marked or unmarked burial sites at approxi- mately 53 different schools across the boarding school system. “As the investigation continues, the department expects the number of identified burial sites to increase,” the news release says. Although the report declined to identify where the burial sites are located, it has already been widely reported that burial sites have been found at Chemawa Indian School in Salem. The investigation’s initial anal- ysis also estimates that 19 federal Indian boarding schools accounted for more than 500 child deaths. The Interior Department expects that number to increase as well. “The consequences of federal Indian boarding school policies – including the intergenerational trauma caused by the family sep- aration and cultural eradication inflicted upon generations of chil- dren as young as 4 years old – are heartbreaking and undeniable,” Haaland said. “We continue to see the evidence of this attempt to forcibly assimi- late Indigenous people in the dis- parities that communities face. It N Umatilla Boarding and Day School Forest Grove Indian Training School Pendelton, 1883-1918 Forest Grove, 1880-1885 Grand Ronde Boarding School Grand Ronde,1862-1908 Kate Drexel Industrial Boarding School Warm Springs Boarding and Day School Chemawa Indian School Siletz,1873-1919 Simnasho Boarding and Day School 26 Simnasho, 1882-1896 20 101 OREGON INDIAN BOARDING SCHOOLS Pendelton, 1847-1929 Warm Springs, 1884-1951 Salem, 1885 - Present Siletz Boarding School military drills. Punishment often included solitary confinement, flogging, withholding food, whipping, slapping and cuffing. Older Native children were often forced to punish younger children in a court martial-like setting. Run- aways at the Kickapoo Boarding School in Kansas received whippings upon their return that were admin- istered “soundly and prayerfully.” Native children also were taken advantage of, having to perform manual labor and taught vocational skills that were often irrelevant to the industrial U.S. economy. Living conditions also were intol- erable with Native children often sleeping two or three children to a bed, toilet facilities that were not expanded proportionally to the increase in students, and diets con- sisting mostly of starch and sugar and low in fresh fruits and vegeta- bles. Survivors of the system were more likely to have cancer, tuber- culosis, high cholesterol, diabetes, anemia, arthritis and gall bladder disease than non-attendees upon reaching adulthood. The investigative report also identifies next steps that will be taken in a second volume that is being funded by a new $7 million investment from Congress through fiscal year 2022. Next steps include creating a list of marked and unmarked burial sites at federal Indian boarding school locations, approximating how much federal funding was al- located to support the Indian board- ing school system, and further investigation into the legacy effects of the school system on Indigenous peoples today. In addition to the 408 federal Indian boarding schools, the Inte- rior investigation also identified more than 1,000 other federal and non-federal institutions, including Indian day schools, sanitariums, asylums, orphanages and stand- alone dormitories that may have been involved in the education of mainly Native American children.  Klamath Agency Boarding School Chiloquin, 1874-1927 Yainax Indian Boarding School Beatty, 1882-1916 Map created by Samuel Briggs III