JUNE 1, 2022 sNok signflz 15 Members of the Willamina High School 109th graduating class enter the gymnasium on Saturday, May 28. Seventy-four students were in the graduation class with 10 students being Grand Ronde Tribal members. Tribal member Mason Lee Mercier crosses the stage during Willamina High School’s 109th graduation ceremony. Tribal member Tyson Mercier looks on during Willamina High School’s 109th graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 28. His son, Tribal member Mason Lee Mercier, was one of the 74 students in the graduating class. Tribal member Talia Laelani Marrufo embraces Principal Jami Fluke during Willamina High School’s 109th graduation ceremony. Tribal member Fabian Quenelle, TO SEE MORE PHOTOS center, records Willamina High School’s 109th graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 28. His daughter, SmokeSignalsCTGR Tribal descendant Cam’ron Jade Eagle Staff, was one of the 74 students in the graduating class. Photos by Timothy J. Gonzalez