sNok signflz APRIL 15, 2022 15 Tribal nonemergency text line The Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department has a nonemergency text line at 541-921-2927. “If you have a nonemergency situation or question, feel free to con- tact my officer via text through this line,” said Grand Ronde Tribal Police Chief Jake McKnight. “When one of my officers receives the text, they will call you back when they have time.” McKnight said that emergency situations still require calling 911. For more information, contact McKnight at 503-879-1474.  Paid ad Some classes can change the course of everything. From carpentry and construction to computer science, Career and Technical Education classes may be the path to your passion. Talk to your school counselor or visit to learn more. The CTE brand logo, brand positioning, theme, and brand extensions are the property of NASDCTEc. Paid ad