sNok signflz OCTOBER 1, 2021 3.25.21 "We don't have to do it all alone. We were never meant to." -Brene Brown Elder Voices Supporting the Covid Vaccine “Here at Makah, my aunt tested positive for COVID, she is the eldest in our tribe. Also, our only Doctor at our clinic tested positive for COVID, and he has been battling it for well over a month. With that in mind, my choice was easy, to vaccinate in order to make our little village [be] that much more safe.” -Nate Tyler, Makah Tribal Council. 19 Mental Health Texts iLAUNCH presents “We need to help protect Our People from dying. So, if they do become exposed [to COVID-19], with a vaccine, we do not have to lose them.” -Delegate from the Upper Skagit Indian Tribe, THD, Marilyn Scott. ! “I was not hesitant [to get the vaccine] at all. I was more fearful of NOT getting the vaccine. We got the vaccine at Chemawa and they were so helpful, friendly, and efficient. They made you feel good. They answered questions before you asked.” On Fridays you will receive a message Did you have any side effects? “I was lucky, I was good. I’m 81 years old, so I don’t know why. Only a little arm soreness.” -Marie Sagaberd, Lummi & Quinault Elder. about mental health, a social “For me, I knew it was a decision between life as I know it now, or the possibility of being on a respirator and possibly dying alone and struggling for that final breath. As a 69-year-old, my side effects were extremely mild. I was a little bit sleepy the next day, but that was gone by the afternoon.” “I have been a nurse for 40 years. I am very pro-vaccine, for myself and others. And, I do it for my Tribe, the Makah. I was not concerned at all. I know the vaccine had been through trials for safety and efficacy.” “Overall, I considered this a good experience. It brought back hope for the future. I wish everyone would choose life and science by getting this vaccine.” -Harriette Cheeka, Makah Elder. What would you tell others? “I would [tell them] of my positive experience, I would assure them it is safe. And, I remind them of the possible effect of getting COVID – severe illness or even death.” -Terri Markishtum, Makah Elder and nurse. emotional tip or a simple quote or message of encouragement. Text JOIN to (971) 318-3459 Neuroplasticity the science behind growth mindset We think 60,000-80,000 thoughts every day COVID-19 Relief Community Health Representatives 80% 95% NEGATIVE Our brains are composed of 86 MILLION neurons CONSTANTLY firing CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF GRAND RONDE COMMUNITY HEALTH REPETITIVE Every time you have the STUCK IN A same thought, you increase NEGATIVE the chances of having it again! PATTERN? Community Health is pleased to announce the creation of a new program provided to the community. The COVID-19 Relief Community Health Representatives provide service to all Tribal members who have needs or questions regarding COVID-19. The services provided include: • Provides education on COVID-19 and preventive measures. • Contact your primary care physician regarding questions about testing or exposure. • Provides client services that promote holistic health and wellness practices. BU T TH E R E 'S WE CAN REWIRE OUR BRAINS Good News! the pathways are like grooves • Health screening. • COVID-19 safety items. Other services provided: just like exercise • Help Assess Home Safety Improvement • Connect America Safety Pendant Information and installation Habitual thoughts form NEURAL PATHWAYS continue doing this to deepen the new grooves Choosing positive thoughts can create new pathways • Conducts home visits. • Fall Risk Prevention • Recording vitals It takes practice and daily commitment • Medication Delivery To inquire on how to get these services, please call Stephanie King at 503-879-2016 or Sam Thornsberry at 503-879-1693 Ad by Samuel Briggs III