sNok signflz AUGUST 15, 2021 23 "We don't have to do it all alone. We were never meant to." -Brene Brown Mental Health Texts ! On Fridays you will receive a message about mental health, a social emotional tip or a simple quote or message of encouragement. Text JOIN to (971) 318-3459 Heat Wave Tips SUMMER IS HERE! Here are things to make sure you are keeping cool and hydrated!      Open up windows in the late evening and early morning to make sure your house cools down inside. When it starts to warm up close all windows and blinds. If you do not have blinds find something to hang over the windows to keep the sun out. HYDRATION, HYDRATION, HYDRATION o Water o Gatorade, PowerAde, anything with electrolytes to make sure your body will absorb the water. o Popsicles o Add lemon to your water, or crystal light if you need a little flavor to encourage consumption. o Freeze fruit such as grapes, blueberries, berries, watermelon to snack on. To hot o If you have a sprinkler cool off in it. o If you go to the river make sure you are wearing sunscreen, taking breaks from the sun, and making sure your body does not cool too quickly. o The outside temperature and river temperatures will be different pay attention to your body. If you are in need of assistance and are concerned please contact the non-emergency line at 503-879-FIRE (3473) Also if you know someone who lives alone please call and check in on your neighbors!