sNok signflz Health & Wellness Center entrance Reminder: The drive-through entrance at the Health & Wellness Center is for loading and unloading only. The entrance was built with our Elders and those with mobility issues and their ease of access in mind. If you are coming to the center to pick up prescriptions, please park in one of our regular parking spaces. Thank you, Grand Ronde Health & Wellness Center Administration 3 things to stop apologizing for: Prepared by JBS International, Inc., under Grant No. 3 H79 T1026800-01S1 for the U.S. DHHS, SAMHSA, CSAT FEBRUARY 15, 2021 When your child is crying. Try instead to notice why your child is crying. Crying is a normal emotional response that even adults do. When your child doesn't want to give a hug/kiss to a relative. Try instead teaching your child that they are allowed to accept or decline physical touch from anyone. People should respect your child's boundaries. Grand Ronde Health & Wellness Center Behavioral Health Program 9605 Grand Ronde Rd. When they're fighting with another child. Grand Ronde, OR 97347 Try instead to understand why they're fighting and remember that it's normal to not get along with everyone all the time. If your child was hurtful (physically or emotionally) then their job is to check on the child (Are you okay?) and then you can teach them the skills to repair the relationship. 503-879-2026 This information is provided to you by the Indigenous Project LAUNCH (Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children's Health). The purpose of this grant is to foster culturally responsive models to support and promote the wellness of children and families. We can help with responsible gambling Are you having problems with gambling? Please meet Sergio Gutierrez, CADC-1, CGAC-1 Chemical Dependency and Gambling Addiction Counselor. Sergio works at the CTGR Behavioral Health Department twice a month from 8:00-5:00pm. Sergio has been practicing since 1997 and is versatile in his knowledge pertaining to gambling addiction. He is ready and eager to help our members in any way he can. Call now for availability and to make your appointment: 503-879-2026 The odds can be in YOUR favor!! Gambling Hotline: 1-877-MY-Limit (1-877-695-4648) or Text 503-713-6000 19