8 NOVEMBER 1, 2020 Smoke Signals ‘We have work to do, but we are making incredible gains’ 0 Native American /Alaska Native Students 5% Native American /Alaska Native Students 35% NA/AN On-Time Graduation / Data Unavailable* NA/AN On-Time Graduation 88% NA/AN Previous Year Increase / Data Unavailable* NA/AN Previous Year Increase 6% Overall On-Time Graduation 79% Overall On-Time Graduation 85% Oregon On-Time Graduation 80% Oregon On-Time Graduation 80% Overall Free/Reduced Lunch 80% Overall Free/Reduced Lunch 88% 20 40 60 80 100 Source: Oregon Department of Education / Sheridan School District *Less than 10 students 0 20 40 60 80 100 Source: Oregon Department of Education / Willamina School District Graphic created by Samuel Briggs III wasn’t present during the past ac- ademic year. “We are trying to increase grad- uation rates for all student popula- tion groups falling below the state average,” Vickery said. “I think there are always improvements to be made when it comes to preparing students not just for the Oregon di- ploma, but post-high school options, higher education and/or trades. We are (also) working with Grand Ronde's Education Department for additional support, mainly academ- ic tutors who work with our Native American students.” n high school students taking Chinuk Wawa classes, guided study class- es, and at the elementary level we have students that participate in the half-day Chinuk immersion program.” During the pandemic, the Tribe’s Youth Education program has offered Tribal students at $500 technology stipend, a local cam- pus Internet classroom, academic advising and academic coaching, among other services. Sheridan Superintendent Dorie Vickery began her job with the school district last summer, so she NOW AVAILABLE, SMOKE SIGNALS HOODIES, T-SHIRTS AND STICKERS! HOODIES $30 • T-SHIRTS $12 • STICKERS $1 Sizes Qty Qty l ta T-S Ho U M P Q U A • M O L A L L A • R O G U E R I V E R • K A L A P U YA • C H A S TA To Smoke Signals Checks Only Please: Make payable to Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. Memo: Editorial Board. ts students in distance learning, Zimbrick said the focus this year is care and connection, which means personally reaching out to students and families who are not partici- pating in school and to see how the district can assist them. “The Tribe is an incredible part- ner and we have many Tribal education staff that push in to our programs in the typical school year,” Zimbrick said. “This year they are providing support virtu- ally and onsite (at the Tribal cam- pus), and communicating regularly with our staff. We have middle and hir Education Director Colt Gill said. “I want to take a moment to reflect on the impressive grit and determi- nation of our students, families and educators, and encourage them to keep persisting. We are with you, we support you and I know we’re all doing our best to return to in-per- son instruction as soon as possible.” Willamina School District Super- intendent Carrie Zimbrick said she is proud of the progress that Tribal students continue to make. “During the (spring) closure we focused on our seniors to ensure they were not harmed by the pan- demic,” she said. “The closure rep- resented less than 2 percent of their time in K-12 education; those on track deserved to graduate and we made sure to give them the support to acquire those final credits. The Tribe has always been a support- ive partner and we want to make sure they receive the high praise they deserve. By CTGR prioritiz- ing education, the AI/AN students in Willamina have historically out-performed the same sub-group at the state level.” Zimbrick said her goal for the district in the coming years is to achieve a 90 percent on-time grad- uation rate for all students. “We have work to do, but we are making incredible gains,” she said. “Less than five years ago, we had rates in the mid-60s. Believe me, we are celebrating the 85 percent rate we earned this year and plan to keep improving that rate.” With the pandemic keeping Willamina School District 2019-20 Total Student Enrollment - 876 Sheridan School District 2019-20 Total Student Enrollment - 899 od ies EDUCATION continued from front page Qty S M Email: L XL 2XL 3XL 4XL SmokeSignals.org FREE SHIPPING! Phone: Address: Stickers Total: Name: Total Please mail to: Smoke Signals Publications 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 Ad by Samuel Briggs III