6 JULY 15, 2020 Smoke Signals Lunch break Photo by Timothy J. Gonzalez A deer enjoys a snack along Agency Creek in the Grand Ronde area on Tuesday, July 7. ELECTION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT OPEN FOR COMMENT The Tribal Council adopted, on an emergency basis, amendments to the Election Ordinance at the June 10, 2020, Tribal Council meet- ing. The Tribal Council then adopted, on an emergency basis, addi- tional amendments to the Election Ordinance at the June 24, 2020, Tribal Council meeting. The purpose of the proposed amendments adopted on June 10, 2020, was to protect voters during the 2020 Tribal Council election due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Protective measures included: (1) limiting the election to vote by absentee ballot only which must be re- turned by mail or dropped in the designated ballot boxes by Election Day; (2) providing that the Tribal Community Center polling location will be closed; (3) reducing the required weekly Election Board office staffing from 20 hours to 15 hours during the election process and (4) expiring on Sept. 30, 2020. The temporary amendments were to apply only to the 2020 Tribal Council election After further discussion, it was decided that the standard Tribal Council election voting process, with appropriate COVID-19 miti- gation, would be the best course of action. The purpose of the pro- posed amendments adopted on June 24, 2020, was to remove the temporary 2020 Tribal Council election voting process provisions and return to the standard voting process, including the Tribal Community Center polling location, but allow the reduction in the required weekly Election Board office staffing from 20 hours to 15 hours during this election process. These temporary amendments apply only to the 2020 Tribal Council election. Tribal Council invites comment on the amendments to the Election Ordinance that were adopted on an emergency basis. For a copy of the amendments, please contact the Tribal Attorney’s Office at 503- 879-4664. Please send your comments to the Tribal Attorney’s Of- fice, 9615 Grand Ronde Road, Grand Ronde, OR 97347 or by e-mail to legal@grandronde.org. Comments must be received by Aug. 15, 2020. Police Department has non-emergency text line The Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department has created a non-emergency text line at 541-921-2927. “Even though this is most- ly designed for children, I don’t want adults thinking that they can’t use it as well.” said Grand Ronde Tribal Police Chief Jake McKnight. McKnight said that emergency situations still require calling 911. For more information, contact McKnight at 503-879-1474.  AMERICAN INDIAN TEACHER PROGRAM Ad by Samuel Briggs III