Smoke signals. (Grand Ronde, Or.) 19??-current, September 15, 2018, Page 5, Image 5

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    S moke S ignals
SEPTEMBER 15, 2018
Back to Sheridan schools
2013 – Willamina El-
ementary fourth-grad-
ers were to receive
instruction in the
Grand Ronde Tribal
History curriculum for
the first time. The pi-
lot project included 15
40-minute lessons that
would teach Willami-
na youth about Grand
Ronde Tribal history
File photo
from time immemorial 2013
through Termination
in the 1950s, Restoration in the 1980s and today’s status as a sov-
ereign nation. The curriculum was created after the Tribe signed a
memorandum of understanding with the Willamina School District
that made the teaching of Tribal history possible.
2008 – Tribal member Jan Michael Looking Wolf Reibach garnered
yet another nomination from the Native American Music Awards for
Flutist of the Year for “Unity.” It was the second nomination Reibach
had received for the 2007 release. “This was unexpected and a real
honor as the other finalists were very established,” he said. “Thanks
to all of the fans and my Tribe for the support.”
2003 – Tribal members re-elected Chairwoman Cheryle A. Ken-
nedy, and elected Jack Giffen Jr., while Jan D. Reibach and Mark
Mercier headed back for a recount since the number of votes they
received were less than 1 percent apart. A recount of all votes was
required by Tribal Election rules if there was a difference of 1 percent
or less for the third- and fourth–place candidates. Reibach’s finish
was only 0.53 percent ahead of Mercier.
1998 – Cultural Resources Department staff, members of the Cul-
ture Board and community-based group Seekers worked together
to provide a variety of cultural materials for the public during the
Tribe’s Contest Powwow. Tony Johnson had an interactive Chinook
Wawa display, and some illustrations of old Tribal photographs were
on display for people to try and identify. Old inkwells excavated
from the Cloverleaf School site and a glass plate made from the east
windows of the school also were on display. Additionally, the initial
draft for the proposed Cultural Center and museum was available
for public comment.
1993 – Tribal nursing assistant Darlene Aaron was recognized for
five years of working for the Tribe. Aaron noted that she had seen
many changes in that relatively short period of time. “When I first
began working for the Tribe, everyone worked in the Manor. There
were only about 25 employees and the Health Clinic was only open
one day per week.” Aaron also served as chair of the Education
1988 – Tribal representatives praised proposed legislation to turn
over Native American skeletal remains, burial items and ceremonial
objects in the possession of museums at a hearing of Senate Bill 187
by the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs in Washington,
D.C. “It is my strong belief that the Native people of this country
must and should have access to those things which represent the
rich cultural legacy that belongs to this nation’s first Americans,”
Sen. Daniel K. Inouye of Hawaii said.
Yesteryears is a look back at Tribal history in five-year in-
crements through the pages of Smoke Signals.
Contributed photo
Tribal Council members, from left, Jon A. George, Lisa Leno,
Kathleen George and Brenda Tuomi visited Sheridan schools on
Tuesday, Sept. 4, to welcome students back for the 2018-19 school
year. Tribal Council members hit Sheridan High and Faulconer-
Chapman schools in the Sheridan School District and the Sheridan
Japanese School, which is a public charter school. Approximately 70
of Sheridan’s more than 700 students identify as Native American,
according to the Tribe’s 2017-18 memorandum of understanding
with the district.
Name changes in court
Tribal Court provides both minor and adult name changes to enrolled
members for a filing fee of only $30. If you have any questions or would
like to request a packet, contact Tribal Court at 503-879-2303. 
Champoeg Celebration
For the Grand Ronde
October 13, 2018
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
State Park
For details, directions,
and transportation needs
please contact either:
Jordan Mercier
503-879-2185 |
Flicka Lucero
Police Department has
non-emergency text line
The Grand Ronde Tribal Police Department has created a non-emer-
gency text line.
“We learned in our last school meeting that kids would like a different
way to communicate with the police if they have a non-emergency situ-
ation,” Tribal Police Chief Jake McKnight said. “We all know kids love
to text so my officers and I decided this would be a great tool to utilize.”
The new text number is 541-921-2927.
“Even though this is mostly designed for children, I don’t want adults
thinking that they can’t use it as well. If you have a non-emergency situ-
ation or question, feel free to contact my officer via text through this line.
When one of my officers receives the text, they will call you back when
they have time.”
McKnight said that emergency situations still require people to call 911.
For more information, contact McKnight at 503-879-1474. 
503-879-2268 |
The Confederated Tribes of Grand
Ronde, Oregon parks and Recreation
Department, and Institute of Applied
Ecology would like to invite you and
your families to join us for a day of
celebration at historic Champoeg
Park. Where you can enjoy and
experience the following activities:
Have the opportunity
You will be contributing
food plants of the
Willamette Valley
to plant native plants in an
active restoration site
to the development of a future
Participate in
cultural activitities
Enjoy an outdoor
Taste and try traditional
experience with
foods as lunch will be
family and friends
provided for guests at noon
Please save the date and we look forward
to seeing you for this celebration!